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Minutes of the Lake Elmo Village Council May 5, 1970. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35 PM by Mayor Brookman. <br />Present: Brookman, Watson, Shervheim, Friedrich, Park and Mehsikomer <br />Absent: Abercrombie. <br />Since Councilman Abercrombie was absent the Mayor requested that any <br />discussion on the wage study be withheld until such a. time as he is <br />present since he chaired that special meeting. <br />Minutes of the April 21, 1970 meeting were read and approved. <br />Lake Elmo was requested -to voice its opinion on the proposed Mobile Park. <br />Motion by Councilman Watson 2nd by Councilman Shervheim that Don Raleigh <br />send Stillwater 'Township a copy of the Lake Elmo Mobile IIome Ord.inanve <br />and suggest that they use nothing less restrictive. Motion carried 3-0. <br />Councilman Abercrombie absent. <br />Olerk instructed to set up a program with the office clerk to establish an <br />agenda procedure. News media advised that anyone requesting to be heard <br />at a council meeting must notify the Village Office no later than neon of <br />the Friday preceding the meeting. <br />Gorden ]:pane asked to be heard relative to his request for zoning variance <br />and a building permit for himself, Mayor Brookman read the report of the <br />Planning Commission from their minutes of the meeting April 27, 1970. <br />The Planning Commission had voted unanimously to recommend that the Council <br />refuse the permit on the grounds that the let did not contain the minimum <br />of one acre above the high water mark; that the drain field easement is not <br />allowed under section 4.06 page 31 of the Model Zoning Regulation Code. <br />After discussion of the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commiss- <br />ion; after examination and review of the survey maps and other documents <br />presented, to the Council by Gorden Lane and having considered Mr. Lane's <br />arguments in favor of his request for a variance, a motion was made by <br />Uouncilman Shervheim that the request for a building permit be denied on <br />the grounds that the lot in question is less than the one acre minimum <br />required by Section 4.33 of the Model Zoning Regulation Code and further <br />that the request for a variance be denied on the grounds that there has <br />been no showing of the type of hardship required by the zoning code for a <br />variance; that to grant variance even with the sewer easement proposed by <br />Mr. Lane would defeat the intent and purpose of the ordinance which is to <br />maintain minimum lot size standards in areas without sanitary sewer; and <br />that the sewer easement proposed by Mr.. Lane is prohibited by provisions <br />of Section 406, page 319 of the M"odel Zoning Regulation Code. The motion <br />was duly seconded by Councilman Watson and carried by a vote of 3-.0. <br />Councilman Abercrombie was absent. <br />Three insurance agents: Howard Nelsen, Erwin Beutel and David Zinschlag <br />came to the meeting at the request of the Council. Councilman Shervheim <br />--explained that the Council would like the committee to review the insurance <br />that we presently held and review our needs and report back to the council <br />on what they feel we should have. The committee would prepare several <br />differ@nt programs giving the council an opportunity to review and arrive <br />at a workable program. A set of specifications for each option would also <br />be included. The committee would get the report ready as soon as possible <br />but not until everything had been reviewed. <br />Complaint regarding junk cars in the Cozy Cove Motel. Elmer Richert as <br />Constable was advised to inform them to have this matter cleaned up, and <br />give them a deadline to execute the request. If action not taken by the <br />