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LAKi ..e:LMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP <br />TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2001 <br />Mayor Hunt called the workshop to discuss the Open Space Zoning Ordinance to order at 5:08 p.m. in the <br />Council chambers. PRESENT: Siedow, Dunn, Hunt, Armstrong, DeLapp, City Planner Dillerud and <br />Administrator Kueffner: PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS: Bob Helwig, Rod Sessing, Valerie <br />Brass and Kevin Herber. Developer of Fields of St.Croix I&II: Robert Engstrom, and Developer of <br />Cardinal Ridge: Tom Wiener and Tim Freeman of Folz, Freeman and Dupay. <br />Planner Dillerud handed out copies of the 2000 City Council minutes in order to provide an historical <br />perspective on the OP ordinance. <br />Planning Commission Draft — January 22, 2001 <br />Page 10: K. Streets. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to change the road widths to 14-16 feet wide for one way streets; pavement <br />shall be 24 feet wide for two way street <br />Planning Commissioner Rod Sessing pointed out the Commission heard the Maintenance staff s concern <br />with plowing, maintaining narrow roads and the ease of Fire Trucks to get in and out and suggested wider <br />roads because of curbs. It's not so much the width of the road, but the curve of the road that is a concern. <br />Council member DeLapp stated his idea of clustering development is to make this area a quiet place as <br />can be and not have roads and impervious surface coverage the primary feature. If we have a problem <br />plowing them, Dan Olinger gave a suggestion how to deal with this. Our job is to help the residents, not <br />the plowing staff. They do a good job, but it's the residents we are here to serve not the staff. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to amend the motion to change road widths to 14-16 feet wide for one-wa streets <br />and 22-24 feet wide for two way street; and the pavement width shall be 22-24 feet for streets w <br />homes are located on one side of the street. (Motion passed 4-1:Armstrong). <br />The following were comments by Robert Engstrom: <br />Streets: 24' wide works well with driveways and parking on both sides, 18' wide with parking o <br />side works. 14' width with divided median works. You will not make a creative development if you are <br />so stringent and want to retain some of the flexibility of the PUD ordinance. <br />Conservation Easement: Never known an Assoc. to sell or develop a piece of property. Easements are <br />owned either by the City or the Land Trust. <br />Townhouse Section: Where do you get 8,000 sq.ft. lot area. What was the intent? DeLapp: negotiated by <br />the Council, implication is 5.5 units per acre. It's 8,000 sq.ft. per unit. It would be best if all the extra <br />space go into an easement. <br />Side Yard Setback: Why was there a 30' side yard setback. 25' works fine for a front yard or 15'. This <br />discourages creative use of garage placement. <br />Entrance Markers: Don't need separate public hearings and should be able to submit location of entrance <br />markers at time of preliminary plat. Planner Dillerud explained that the Planning Commission has <br />recommended repeal of entrance markers and their recommendation will be coming to the Council on <br />March 6". <br />Differentiate between septic tank and communal drainfield and alternative treatment systems and <br />drainfield: Don't need to have a 50' setback for recreational areas because with an alternative system you <br />put treated water into the ground (no chance of contamination) compared to a communal drainfield where <br />you put untreated water in the ground. <br />Jurisdictional Wetlands should be stated instead of Protective Wetlands Page 9. <br />Buffer Zones will make some areas undevelopable. <br />