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MINUTES APPROVED: July 2, 2002 <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />JUNE 11, 2002 <br />Vice -Mayor Dunn called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Council <br />chambers. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the City's response to the <br />Metropolitan Council's staff review of Lake Elmo's 2000 Comprehensive Plan and to <br />discuss internal planning with Sand Creek. <br />PRESENT: City Council: Siedow, Dunn, Hunt (arrived 5:30 p.m.), DeLapp, City <br />Administrator Kueffner and City Planner Dillerud. ABSENT: Council member <br />Armstrong <br />Planning Commission: Julie Bunn, Mark Deziel, Todd Ptacek. Old Village —_ <br />Commission: Wyn John. Environmental Commission: Dean Johnston. <br />Met Council Representative: Marc Hugunin`9 <br />Planner Chuck Dillerud: <br />On February 8, the 2000 Comprehensive Plan was complete. There was a 60 day review <br />by Met Council staff and Board. An extension of 60 days was taken by the Met Council <br />as State Statute permits -to about June 8. The Met Council requested and the City Council <br />agreed to an additional 60+ day extension to mid -August. At the request of Mayor Hunt, <br />the Regional Administrator took the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan off the June 12 Met <br />Council agenda and agreed to instead consider at the June 26 Met Council meeting. A <br />city staff memo was provided with excerpts of the Metro Digest (a METC publication of <br />actions the Board has recently taken); and, a second one from State Statutes. The city <br />attorney was asked to check case law regarding METC actions against local governments <br />responsive to both of the sections of State Statutes, and he found there is no case law <br />either on an appeal or of any city being taken to District Court for the purpose of <br />changing a City comprehensive plan to conform with the regional systems supported by <br />the Metropolitan Council. <br />The purpose of the workshop is to determine in what manner to respond to the Met. <br />Council staff review comments attributed to the Comp Plan. The Planner stated that the <br />State Statutes permit the Met Council to compare Comprehensive Plans to the four <br />Regional Systems: transportation, wastewater, parks and aviation. The Met Council Staff <br />has attempted to make a case that by non -development; the City is impacting the regional <br />systems. <br />Highways: They write because Lake Elmo is not developing at the pace Oakdale and <br />Woodbury, we are not using the capacity I-94 and Hwy 36 is being built to <br />accommodate. <br />Wastewater: Lake Elmo's Comprehensive Plan does not show any MUSA line extension <br />which would utilize the Council's budgeted $10,000.000, for what our City has just <br />learned is called the new Lake Elmo Interceptor. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 11, 2002 <br />