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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />BUDGET WORKSHOP — CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />September 24, 2002 <br />Mayor Hunt called the meeting to order at 5:19 p.m. <br />The following council members were in attendance: Mayor Hunt, Council member <br />DeLapp, Council member Armstrong, Council member Siedow. <br />The following council member was not in attendance: Council member Dunn. <br />The following staff members were in attendance: Mary Kueffner (City Administrator), <br />Abby Grenfell (Finance Director), Chuck Dillerud (City Planner/Assistant City <br />Administrator), Mike Bouthilet (Parks and Acting Public Works), Greg Malmquist (Fire <br />Chief), Tom Bouthilet (Utilities and Building). <br />The Finance Director introduced Resolution No. 2002-95 to pay claims for insurance <br />premiums. Motion by DeLapp, second by Armstrong. (4-0) <br />The Finance Director introduced the proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for <br />2003-2007. This proposed plan was discussed at a prior workshop. This is a plan, not a <br />commitment to complete projects over the next 5 years. This proposed plan includes <br />what was in the prior year's CIP and then met with department heads for <br />additions/deletions. She explained that revenue sources have not been identified. The <br />proposed source of funding for street projects is from the City Engineer. The City is <br />looking at the special assessment policy for road improvements that might impact the <br />funding sources. <br />Council member DeLapp inquired if the council should say there wouldn't be any overall <br />cost difference, just to make the distribution more equitable. <br />The Finance Director explained the project number sequencing. Once projects are <br />approved, the Finance Director will create a cross reference table tying the project <br />number to the fund account used to pay for the project. Funding sources will be taken <br />care of once the operating budget is done and projects have been identified. <br />Mayor Hunt started discussion with Mike Bouthilet (Public Works, Parks) <br />Public Works <br />Mr. Bouthilet discussed the equipment requests for public works. Council member <br />DeLapp inquired about the tractor/mower and ditch mowing. Mr. Bouthilet mentioned <br />they mow three times per year. He will provide the Finance Director with the number of <br />Page 1 of 9 <br />