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Minutes of Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, "lay 17, 1977 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:12 pm by Playor Armstrong. <br />Present: Mayor Armstrong, Councilwoman Lyons, Councilmen Shervhei.m (5:30), <br />Pott and Morgan (5 - 5:55). <br />Also present: Counsel Raleigh, Lawrence Whittaker and Eng. Tom Noyes(9-9). <br />Roy Lohmann: Mr. Lohmann & Mr. & Mrs. Markgraf appeared at the request <br />of the council to discuss access to Lal:e Flmo through his <br />property. Officer Furstenberg had suggested that was <br />causing, a traffic problem. Mr. Lohmann advised that this <br />was not a public access and was used basically by his friends <br />Two things will be accomplished to help alleviate the <br />problem. Mr. Lohmann will clear away some of the growth <br />along_ the roadway and the city will request the State <br />Hwy. Dept. thru the county, to consider reduced speed <br />zones on Lake Elmo Ave. from 20th. St. No. to the current <br />30 MPH zone. <br />Fred King: Variance on sewer system on Lot 2, Pabst Lake Jane Lots, <br />Second Division. <br />Motion by Councilman Morgan 2nd by Mayor Armstrong to <br />approve variance subject to receipt of complete list of <br />signatures of landowners within 350 ft. of property line <br />or the hearing which will be scheduled for June 7, 1977 <br />or subject to meeting criteria established by counsel. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Reid Property Draft: Motion by Mayor Armstrong 2nd by Councilman Morgan <br />to approve the draft for acquisition and advise counsel <br />to proceed as necessary. Carried 5-0. <br />Systems Statement: Mayor Armstrong will review the original proposed <br />statement amending the sewer portion as originally dis- <br />cussed and will have the revision ready for council action <br />June 7, 1977. <br />Retired Firemens Appreciation: Firemen Robert Dennis and Raymond Sachs <br />will be retiring May 24, 1977, the 20th. anniversary of <br />the Lake Elmo Volunteer Fire Dept. They should he presented <br />at the earliest possible date with an appreciations award <br />plus their original gear with a special badge inscribed. <br />"Presented to in commemoration of 20 years of <br />service in the Lake rlino Volunteer Fire Dept. <br />Council Advisory Committee: Councilman Morgan distributed a brief <br />description of composition and objectives of such a <br />committee and asked council to review it and consider it <br />for discussion at next meeting. <br />Recess at 6:30 p.m. -- Reconvened at 7:34 p.m. <br />Speed Zones --Councilman Shervheim presented Resolution R77-4 reauestina <br />the Minnesota DOT to review certain speed zones in the <br />City of Lake Elmo and requested council concurrence. <br />Second by Councilwoman Lyons. Carried 4-0. <br />