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10-11-77 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-11-77 CCM
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Joint Meeting, Lake Elmo City Council and Lake Elmo PZC--October 11, 1977 <br />Present -City Council: Mayor Armstrong, Councilman Shervheim, Pott and <br />Morgan and Councilwoman Lyons. <br />PZC: Chairman Grace and members Novak, Lundquist, <br />Crombie, Sovereign, Johnson, Dreher & Michaels. <br />Meeting called to order at 5:24 p.m. jointly by Mayor Armstrong and <br />Chairman Grace. <br />Mobile Homes --Bldg. Inspector Mueller advised that the state has passed <br />a regulation imposing responsibility for mobile home in- <br />spection on local government. This must be set up and a <br />local code adopted by July 1, 1978. If we don't the state <br />will perform the function and charge us $15.00 per hour <br />whether or not we set up a charge program for inspections. <br />This is separate from the State Bldg. Code --it is a <br />separate mobile home code. <br />L. Anderson: -Mueller -A fellow called me up and asked that I inspect 2 <br />units that I have that are prefab down here in Afton to <br />see if they meet the State Bldg. Code. I went down there <br />and checked them over and as far as I could tell, with <br />some minor changes, they did meet, in fact, the Bldg. Code. <br />I did not measure them for size because I didn't know he <br />ever intended to bring them into the village. Ile said he <br />was going to put them together, add on the necessary to <br />make the square footage etc. etc. I said fine and dandy <br />and he was going to go into Eden Park as he was looking at <br />a lot there. That was the last I heard of it until a few <br />weeks ago I got a call from the man and he said do they <br />still comply and he met me at the council meeting one night <br />and yakked about it and I said well don't forget if you're <br />going to move them into the village you'll have to get a <br />moving permit and you're going to have licensed mover bring <br />them in and we ask for $1,000. bond in case there is any <br />damage to the roadway or the curbs etc. fine --the next <br />thing I know he says Do they still meet the code? He says, <br />I'm finalizing my deal with Tom Schwartz. I said, don't <br />forget to get the permit now. He says they're being moved <br />at 2:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. I said you better come <br />in at 8:00 A.M. tomorrow morning and take out the permit. <br />So that hadn't been done; that in the meantime everybody <br />got shook up about it because they are tar paper covered. <br />They are not very presentable and last Tuesday night, if <br />the council remembers, I spent about 1-1/2 hours in the <br />back room with this person and his plans are not acceptable, <br />so right now the situation is just sitting there. I've <br />tried to catch him living in it. <br />Raleigh --John, did you call Ray Marshall? He is expecting <br />youto call and fill out the complaint on bringing them in <br />without a permit. <br />John Mueller--Ok I'll call him tomorrow. So that is the <br />situation with this gentleman and as usual were a $ short <br />and a day late. These things happen so fast and you can't <br />get around to all of them but we will prosecute him on that <br />score and once he gets that squared away if the buildings <br />
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