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01-02-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-02-79 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 2, 1979. <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 7:30 p.m., with the following <br />Councillors answering the roll: Johnson, Morgan, Mottaz and Pott. <br />Also present: Administrator Whittaker., Attorney Marshall. <br />OATH OF OPPICB: The City Administrator administered the oath of office <br />to Mayor -elect Thomas G„ Armstrong; and Councillors - <br />elect Michael R. Johnson and Jess Mottaz. <br />AGENDA: Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the Agenda <br />with the following amendments: move I-94 lawsuit in <br />after Ar,nda%approval; add claims and State highway <br />aid resolution after Administrator's report; add Council <br />reports after Mayors report, Motion carried 5-0. <br />I-94 CHALLENGE COMMITTEE/LAWSUIT: Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong <br />that the Council adopt Resolution 79-1 "A Resolution <br />withdrawing Lake Elmo from the I-94 Challenge Committee <br />Joint Powers Agreement and Lawsuit and calling for con- <br />struction of I-94 on the "Southern Route". <br />In discussion, Pott asked the proponents how the City <br />would best be served by the Southern -Route; and said <br />the words "'senseless and wasteful" troubled him. <br />Armstrong said the northern route would take good farm <br />land, open up land for development, create a dangerous <br />curve at Crossroads Ford, and have a negative effect on <br />the rural character of the community. <br />Pott disagreed. Mottaz said the City did not need <br />another super highway through. the City; that the south- <br />ern route would confine development to an existing <br />corridor; and that it would eliminate the need for the <br />County to maintain two four -lane divided highways as <br />service roads. Pott said the cost of maintaining those <br />two roads would be less than building on the southern <br />route. <br />The Council. discussed the relative costs ofithe two <br />routes. Hugh Madson and Councillor Johnson expressed <br />their interest in having a better definition of "sense- <br />less, wasteful and pointless; and felt the Resolution <br />ought to better state the reasons for this change in <br />City policy. <br />Mottaz called the question. Vote: In favor: Armstrong, <br />Morgan, Mottaz; Opposed: Johnson and Pott. <br />Carried 3-2. <br />NATIONAL JAYCEE WEEK: Jerome Bergmark asked the Council to consider a <br />Proclamation for National Jaycee Week. Armstrong moved, <br />seconded by Morgan, that the City Proclaim the week of <br />January 21 through 27, 1979, as Jaycee Week and urge all <br />citizens of our community to give full regard to the past <br />community services of the Lake Elmo Jaycees. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />
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