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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, March 6, 1979 Page 2 <br />FIRE HALL ADDITION: Larry Bohrer submitted two alternates for the addition, <br />with an analysis of the existing facility. Mr. Bohrer would like <br />( the City's preference before he submits a final cost estimate. The <br />proposals are to be sent to the firemen for review. <br />MORATORIUM: Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Mottaz, that the City Council <br />adopt Ordinance 7801, pursuant to the recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission, calling for a six month moratorium on platting and <br />rezoning. Pott asked the Council to include a time —table for the <br />workit,obe completed and a no extension clause. <br />Pete Parranto requested that the properties he is representing be <br />excluded from the moratorium. It is his opinion that both the Dayton <br />Hudson property and Washington 37 parcel are exempt under an existing <br />PUD. Administrator Whittaker stated that no record can be found in <br />the files of PUB approval for either. The PZC gave Washington 37 <br />concept approval in August, contingent upon receiving reports from <br />the Engineer, Planner, Park Commission and Valley Branch. Parranto <br />has not addressed questions raised by these parties. Mayor Armstrong <br />suggested Mr. Parranto may file an appeal, under paragraph E, of <br />Ordinance 7801. If all necessary paper work is done, this request <br />for exception may be presented to the PZC. Their recommendation will <br />then be sent on to the Council. <br />Bruce Folz also requested the PZC and Council look at the two pro— <br />posed plats he has submitted, Midland Meadows and Beutals Addition; <br />and include them in the proposed Comprehensive Plan. He is available <br />to meet each to explain his position. He would also like a maximum <br />of one year on the moratorium. This would include an extension if <br />the Council deemed it necessary. He feels it is only fair to have <br />maximum limits on a moratorium. <br />Mottaz emphasized the need of a timetable. He said the zoning <br />map is the heart of the Comprehensive Plan and should be done <br />immediately. Agreement of the general concept will be based on the <br />map. <br />Pott expressed his opposition to the moratorium, feeling the emphasis <br />is on the moratorium as such, rather than getting the necessary work <br />done. He cannot support it for this reason. <br />Motion carried 4-1. Pott voting nay. Moratorium to be in effect <br />at publication. <br />Motion by Johnson, Seconded by Armstrong the moratorium is for one <br />six month period, and not to be renewed; and if work on the Comprehensive <br />Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map are completed before this per— <br />iod, the Moratorium will be rescinded. Carried 5-0. <br />The Administrator was instructed to lay out a time —table to expedite <br />the task. Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Morgan, a special meeting <br />of the City Council will be held March 12, 1979 at 5:00 PM to complete <br />business from this meeting and discuss the plan with the PZC. Carried 5-0. <br />