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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council; Special Meet1mg; June 26, 1979 <br />The meeting was delayed for lack of quorum until 5:58 p.m. Mayor -Armstrong convened <br />the meeting at 5:58 p.m. with the following Councillors presente Pott and Mottaz. <br />Morgan and Johnson had been excused. Administrator Whittaker and Engineer Bohrer <br />were also present. <br />PARK SHELTER BIDS <br />The Council reviewed the bid of Herb Larson Construction Co, Rte. 3, <br />Box 128A, North Branch, MN. for construction of a ParkShelterin Lions <br />Park. They also reviewed the City Engineer's recommendation. Mottaz <br />moved, seconded by Armstrong, to reject the bid because the bid was <br />incomplete and because the bid exceeded the estimated more than <br />25 percent. Motion carried 3-0. Administrator is to advise bidder and <br />return bid bond to Larson. The Council will consider readvertising and <br />LAWCON funding.. <br />FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT ORDINANCES <br />The Administrator explained the Ordinance briefly; and pointed out several <br />minor changes requested by the StateDepartmentof Natural Resources. He <br />explained that one ordinance amended the Zoning Code, one the Subdivision <br />Code, and one tba obile,Home Code. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, the the City Council adopt Ordinances <br />7802, 7803, and 7804, amending the Subdivision, Mobile Home,.and Zoning <br />Oranances to provide for Flood Plain Management which meets State and <br />Federal guidelines. Motion carried 3-0. The Ordinances become effective <br />upon their publication in the legal newspaper. <br />MOTTAZ MINOR SUBDIVISION, Moratorium Appeal <br />Mr. Mottaz addressed the questions and concerns raised by the Planning <br />Commission. He said the Commission cannot assume "frontage" is only on <br />roads that one also .has access from or to. It simply means frontage <br />on a public street. <br />He said the lot has an approved spetic system and well; and is, therefore, <br />buildable. And, as a result of the City Attorney's opinion, approved <br />by the City Council, there is no violation of City Ordinances — regarding <br />the mobile home on the lot. He also indicated it is sold; and will be <br />removed. <br />He indicated both lots, after subdivision, will have 300 feet of frontage <br />as he owns part of a street right—of—way on the remaining lot which brings <br />the total frontage of that lot over 300 feet. <br />He did not discuss the hardship; and asked the Council to take no action <br />at this time. He said he wanted the Planning Commission advised of his <br />comments. <br />Mr. Pott indicated he felt all appeals to the moratorium ought to be granted. <br />The Council took no action, referred it back to the Planning Commission; <br />and asked that it be considered July 17, 1979• <br />Herb Larson: Mr. Larson appeared; and the Mayor explained what had happened on the <br />bids for the Park Shelter. <br />