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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, JULY 17, 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 5:17 P.M. <br />Councilors in attendance: Mottaz, Morgan, Pott, Johnson (9:00). Also in attendance <br />Administrator Whittaker and Engineer Bohrer. <br />AGENDA: Armstrong moved, Mottaz seconded -to approve the agenda as amended. <br />Agenda changes - delete Mottaz - Appeal moratorium, and add cor- <br />respondence. Motion carried 3-0, <br />MINUTES: Mottaz moved, Armstrong seconded to approve the minutes of July 3, 1979, <br />as written. Motion carried 3-0- <br />ART SCRAEPFER, JR. - COUNTY COMMCSSIONER: Mottaz expressed his thoughts and <br />concerns about the Regional Park Plan, Be reitterated his feelings <br />about the intensity of the design next to the residential area. None <br />of Lake Elmo®s suggestions have been Included in. -the plan, Lake Elmo <br />desires to know the status of the road through. the park. The City <br />desires to meet further with the County and feels the best way to <br />be heard is through their commissioner. <br />'The Nelson property at the north end of the park was discussed. The <br />City has not approached the Nelson'€: about eliminating their driveway <br />for the Eagle Point Fork Improvement at the County has indicated this <br />property will be included in the park and condemnation proceedings have <br />been started. Mr. Schaeffer indicated this is his impression also. <br />The Nelsons have stated that they have not been contacted by the County <br />and have requested the City tell them what the status of their property <br />is. <br />The City feels the communication gap between it and the County is <br />due to a lack of response to Lake Elmo concerns. Mr. Schaeffer in- <br />dicated Brauer and Associates is running the County Planning Department <br />and feels they are not looking for additional residential input concerning <br />the Park plan. As yet, no action has been taken by the County Board, <br />The Council reviewed for Mr, Schaeffer all the negative areas, eg, SW <br />boat launch, overnight camping, excessive horse trails plus Lake Elmo°s <br />desire to oul-d-sao 15th Street. We do not desire a throughfare in <br />,the park. 'The Council desires the access to -the County Park not to <br />be confused with the one to the City Park, Access to the County Park <br />off Minnehaha is most desirable. <br />The Plan should anticipate high water on Eagle Point naturally, and <br />the City feels it is an absolute necessity they be able to use Eagle <br />Point for storage. Mr.. Schaeffer stated he was in favor of this. <br />Road Mans by the County - this matter will be taken up in the fall <br />after the Comprehensive Plan and. the Zoning Ordinance are completed. <br />The City desires the alignment of County 13 be pin -pointed and the <br />obtaining of right-of-way be discussed. <br />Emergency" Medical Services - the City feels the County should take <br />oaxe of,this and adjust the mil rate accordingly. <br />CountyBuildingDepartment - it has been suggested the County Building <br />Department will be disbanded. This department has acted as a back-up <br />for Lake Elmo, and, the City would find it a considerable inconvenience <br />if it were disbanded. They also feel it would pose a hardship on sur- <br />rounding townships who also use the County Building Department. <br />Morgan moved, Armstrong seconded to have -the County Commissioner appear <br />before the Council `the second meeting of every other month. Motion <br />carried 4-0. <br />DON METTSIKOMER - CIVIL DEFENSE PROGRAM: Mayor Armstrong stated he feels more <br />emphasis should be placed on Civil 'Defense. The City received complaints <br />during recent storms that residents of Cimarron have no storm shelter <br />available. <br />