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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council; July 3, 1979 page one <br />Mayor Afmstrong convened the meeting at 7:36 p.m. with the following Councillors <br />l answering the rolls Johnson, Mottaz and Pott. Mayor ARmstrong excused himself <br />at 7:40 p.m, to attend to some personal business. Acting Mayor Pott assumed <br />the chair. <br />AGENDA.- Pott moved, seconded by Johnson, to approve the Agenda with the fol- <br />lowing additions: Add MSA five-year plan and Hardy's driveway under <br />Engineer's Report; and Tri-Star construction plans after that. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />MINUTES.- Johnson moved, seconded by Mottaz, to amend the minutes of the June 5, <br />1979, meeting; page 2; to reflect that all the information on bids <br />for buildings referred to the Park Shelter. None refer to the Fire <br />Hall Addition. And, add the following phrase to the second paragraph <br />on page 3, in the discussion of compensation for damages on Sunfish <br />Lake; 1%hat are a proven result of that pumping.,, Motion carried 3-0. <br />Johnson moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the minutes of the <br />June 12, 1979, meeting as written. Motion carried 3-0. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the minutes of the June <br />26, 1979, meeting as written. Votes Pott, Aye; Mottaz, Aye; Johnson, <br />Abstain ( asihe was absent for the meeting). Motion,carried. <br />CLAIMS; Johnson moved, seconded by Pott, to approve Claims # 79386 to #79523. <br />Motion carried .4-0. (Armstrong returned for a few minutes; and, <br />also voted Aye on the Claims.) <br />CIMAR,RON - SEWAGE TREATMENT; SURFACE WATER PLANNING; Mr. Steven Taylor, a <br />partner in the Cimarron development, appeared before the Council <br />and expressed his desire that the City pursue a surface water con- <br />trol project for Tartan Park and Horseshoe Lake; so that the seepage <br />ponds and over -flows therefrom would work better. He also daid <br />Sunfish Lake rises as Horseshoe Lake rises; and that, when high, <br />the Cimarron seepage ponds have no place to flow into. <br />Pott explained that the City would have to petition the Watershed <br />District to solve this problem; and that the City is unwilling to <br />do so unless the costs are reduced -significantly from prevabous Dis- <br />trict -a0tii;satesfor that project. <br />Whittaker explained that the City is encouraging the District to <br />review the 3M proposal for solving this problem; and would petition <br />the District for the 3M project if the costs are reasonable; and <br />if 3M agrees to pay some significant part of the cost. <br />Pott said he felt the City might agree to petition for the project <br />if 3M is willing to guarantee they will pay the costs of the Preliminary <br />Fund for such a project. This would eliminate the risk the City <br />assumes by petitioning. <br />Mr. Taylor also mentioned that he believes the water is being held <br />back by an old read bed; and the same roadbed is causing Heinz's <br />property to flood. <br />AUDIT REVIEW - 1978 Annual Audit, Robert Veto-. Robert Veto, of DeLaHunt, Vote <br />and Co., presented the annual audit to the Council; and fielded <br />questions on the accounting procedures and financial status of the <br />City. He explained the various funds, the new State mandated 'modified <br />accrual accounting systegi,'�; and said the City is in an adequate re- <br />