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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 2, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder convened the meeting at 7:06 p.m, with Fraser, Morgan, <br />Mottaz and Novak present. Administrator Whittaker was also present. <br />AGENDA: Whittaker advised the Council that the Oakdale Gun Club <br />would not appear before the Council at 7:15 p.m. He requested <br />the Council add one General Contractor's license to the Agenda. <br />Morgan asked that the use of Pebble Park for a Tri-Lakes Assoc. <br />picnic be added under his report. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the Agenda, as <br />amended. Motion carried 5-0. <br />CLAIMS: Whittaker asked the Council to add a claim for the Lake <br />Elmo Jaycees for $59.14 for paint and limber to repair the <br />bleachers in Lion's Park. The Council agreed that the City <br />should withhold 10% of the claim from Moen and Penttila for the <br />1980 Audit, until the City Council has met with and accepted <br />the annual audit from Moen and Penttila. <br />Novak moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve Claims 81424 thru <br />81466, with Claim 81454 amended to pay $5,481 to Moen and <br />Penttila. Motion carried 5-0. <br />BOARD OF REVIEW: While the Council waited for 7:30 p.m. to resume <br />scheduled agenda items, they agreed on the following schedule <br />for the Board of Review, to be held June 3, 1981, from 2:30 p.m. <br />to 7:30 p.m.: <br />2:30 to 5:00 - Eder, Mottaz, Novak <br />5:00 to 7:30 - Eder Fraser, Morgan <br />LAKE ELMO LION'S CLUB - PARK DONATIONS - HUGH MADSON: <br />Mr. Madson discussed the function of the Lion's Club and their <br />commitment to provide recreational equipment for City parks. He <br />expressed concern about the maintenance of facilities in Lions <br />Park; and stated that before making any Eurther commitment, <br />the Lions would lik&a commitment from the City that all the <br />facilities will be maintained. <br />Morgan itemized the maintenance effort made in Lions Park. He <br />reviewed the improvements -that -have been made -in the -last-three- <br />to four years, as well as those scheduled for this year; and <br />stated that Lions Park is maintained better now than it ever has <br />been in the past. <br />Mr. Madkon.,indicated that the Lion's have $2,000 to $4,000 <br />available for park use and requested a listing of park needs <br />within the City. Morgan outlined the Master Park Plan with <br />approximate costs, and, explained an additional list is prepared <br />each year for specific equipment and improvements..for the <br />individual parks. He.also said the money donated by the Lions <br />was used for specific improvements; none was used for maintenance. <br />The Administrator will forward a copy of the Master Park Plan <br />to the Lions. <br />