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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES �t�����L U <br />MARCH 19, 1.985 <br />Mayor Morgan called this special meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the <br />council chambers. Present: Armstrong, Dunn, Mazzara, Administrator <br />Klaers. <br />1. Resolution regarding DNR Gateway Segment; of the Minnesota - <br />Wisconsin Boundary State Trail. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To adopt Resolution 85-10 requesting the DNR to <br />prohibit the use of motorized vehicles, including snowmobiles, on that <br />section of the proposed Gateway Segment of the Minnesota --Wisconsin <br />Boundary State Trail that borders the City of Lake Elmo, as <br />.recommended by the Parks Commission.. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Interviews with applicants for City Attorney (civil work). <br />A. George Borer of Sweeny, O'Connor.& LeMay <br />Mr. Borer stated his firm is known as a municipal firm, and would like <br />to expand this service by representing the City of Lake Elmo. Mr. <br />Borer has seven years of municipal. experience (civil and criminal <br />matters), although 1-1/2 years of this work was while he was in law <br />school. <br />Mr. Borer's proposal is to represent the City on the basis of a <br />Retainer Agreement under which he would bill the City on the basis of <br />services rendered at a rate of $55.00 per hour for attorneys time and <br />$27.50 for paralegal time. In addition, the proposal includes a <br />provision for routine civil work at a set monthly retainer fee of <br />$600. This fee would cover such items as attorney's reports, <br />ordinance drafting, review of customary contracts and leases, <br />consultation with administrative staff, City Council and other City <br />employees, legal opinions, and the usual day-to-day legal work. The <br />retainer fee would not cover special services such as litigation, <br />appellate work, condemnation, improvement projects, and real estate <br />purchases and sales. Attendance at City Council meetings would be <br />covered under the retainer, if the meeting was for a reasonable length <br />of time. Also, there is no charge to the City for mileage or <br />transportation time, and would be willing to document his time spent <br />on the Cit,y's work. Mr. Borer stated he is not involved in any other <br />business, other than his law practice, other than part ownership of a <br />fourplex in St. Paul. <br />B. Frederic Knaak and Kathleen Rauenhorst <br />of Rauenhorst and Carlson <br />Mr. Knaak stated he has been a practicing attorney for seven years and <br />Is currently the city attorney for Newport, Minnesota where he handles <br />both the civil and criminal matters. He has been with Rauenhorst and <br />Carlson since February 1, 1985. He has worked in the Washington <br />County Court System for the City of Newport, as well as for other <br />local governments, for several. years. He has been a member of the <br />Minnesota Senate since 1983, representing a district in Northeastern <br />Ramsey County. <br />