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DATE APPROVED: 2-5-91 <br />DATE ISSUED: 2-15-91 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JANUARY 15, 1991 <br />Mayor Johnson called the City Council meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in <br />the City Council chambers. Present: Dave Johnson, Hunt, Dick <br />Johnson, Mottaz, Williams, City Engineers' Bohrer and Prew, City <br />Attorney Jerry Filla, Building Official Jim McNamara and Administrator <br />Kueffner. <br />MAYOR JOHNSON PROCLAIMED THE WEEK OF JANU.ARY 20-26, 1991 JAYCEE WEEK <br />IN LAKE ELMO <br />The Council held a moment of silence to pray for our brave men and <br />women of the armed forces in this time of peril. <br />1. AGENDA <br />Change 9B. to 5D. <br />Add: 5E. Planning Commission Appointments, 8. Clarification requested <br />of Open Meeting Law, 9B. Discuss representative for 622 School <br />District, 9C. Solid. Waste Advisory Committee Update. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to approve the January 15, 1991 City Council <br />agenda as amended. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />2. MINUTES: December 18, 1990 <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve the December 18, 1990 City Council <br />minutes as amended. (Motion carried 2-0-3 Abstain: Dick Johnson, <br />Dave Johnson, Mottaz) <br />MINUTES: January 2, 1991 <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Williams - to approve the January 2, 1991 City <br />Council minutes as amended. (Motion carried 4-0-1 Abstain: Hunt) <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to approve the January 15, 1991 Claims <br />#94296 thru #94361 as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />4. REAPP REPORT <br />A. Recommendation on Public Relations Firm <br />Mayor Johnson explained that on Saturday, January 12th, the City <br />Council and members of ReAPP interviewed representatives from three <br />public relation firms (Mona, Meyer & McGrath; Coleman & Christison; <br />Colle & McVoy, Inc.) for our public relations campaign. <br />ReAPP member, Tedi Carlson, reported that ReAPP's reviewing committee <br />recommends Colle & McVoy, Inc. based on their good journalistic <br />background, media connections, most comprehensive proposal and price <br />($42,525). Carlson noted that Colle & McVoy will tailor this price to <br />our budget. <br />