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MINUTES APPROVED: 8-18-92 <br />MINUTES ISSUED: 8-28-92 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL EMERGENCY MEETING <br />THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1992 <br />Mayor Johnson called the emergency meeting to order at 6:10 <br />p.m. Present: Mayor Johnson, Hunt, Dick Johnson, Mottaz, <br />Administrator Kueffner and Finance Director Banister. <br />Absent: Councilman Williams. <br />1. 1992 Street Improvements <br />Mayor Johnson explained the purpose of this meeting is to <br />discuss the actions taken by the Council at the August 4th <br />meeting at which the council proposed that the City Engineer <br />conduct some studies for street repairs that we had at the <br />last budget hearing determined we were not going to do. <br />Administrator Kueffner explained if we sealcoat everything <br />the total estimated cost for sealcoating, going in with West <br />Lakeland for a better bid, is $73,000. (Two years ago it <br />was $60,000). We have $40,835 in MSA funds that we could use <br />towards it, and we budgeted $19,410 which still leaves a <br />balance of $12,155. When the Council adopted the budget it <br />was their intent to budget half of it in 1992 and the other <br />half in 1993 and do the sealcoating under that <br />infrastructure fund. Then there wouldn't be a direct <br />assessment for sealcoating. <br />Marilyn Banister indicated she thought it was decided at the <br />budget meeting, because we didn't put money in the budget, <br />that we would wait until 1993. <br />Mary suggested that, like the council had planned to do when <br />they adopted the 1992 budget, was to hold off on all <br />projects (sealcoat and major overlays) until 1993. <br />Emergency patching is being done now. <br />Marilyn reported the levy limit has been lifted, and we have <br />to either "bite the bullet" and levy what it really costs to <br />service the city. Last year we were stuck with the same <br />amount of money as we were the year before. If we don't <br />budget enough and show the state that we need this much <br />money to run the city, they might slap that levy limit on <br />again next year and say this is all you are going to need. <br />We have to prove that we need this much money to run the <br />city. - <br />Mayor Johnson asked what about Fire Station No. 2? <br />