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MINUTES APPROVED: 10-20-92 <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />OCTOBER 13, 1992 <br />Mayor Johnson called the special meeting to order at 7:03 <br />p.m. in the city council chambers. Present: Mayor Johnson, <br />Hunt, Dick Johnson, Mottaz, Williams, and Administrator <br />Kueffner. <br />Don Wisneski provided the following information regarding <br />the proposed bicycle trail as part of the 10th Street <br />improvements: <br />New Construction Phase <br />Total $80,000 <br />1/2 Lake Elmo <br />1/2 Oakdale <br />Lake Elmo's $40,000 <br />25% $10,000 County <br />75% $30,000 Lake Elmo <br />Easterly Connection to Lake Elmo Park $189,000 <br />Federal Funds 25%-80% <br />Local 25% <br />The Washington County Board was in favor of Option 3 with a <br />bike path and are in favor of connecting the trail to the <br />east. New source of financing would have to be looked at <br />for the project to the east ($189,000) and focused in on the <br />New Federal Transportation Act which provides for some <br />amenities and safety improvements to highway projects. <br />There is $1.5 million dollars available for the seven -county <br />metropolitan area. <br />M/S/ Dick Johnson/Mayor Johnson - to endorse the concept <br />of Option 5 with additional purchase of right-of-way for the <br />portion 1/2 mile east of county road 13. <br />M/S/F Williams/Hunt - to amend the motion to exclude <br />acquiring right-of-way to the east of Armstrong Lake but at <br />the same time the city indicates its commitment to changing <br />the zoning standards for that area to avoid encroachment by <br />any future development on the proposed future right-of-way. <br />(Motion failed: 2-3: Mottaz: This is very poor planning, to <br />assume the traffic is not going to pick up once this road is <br />developed is a blind assumption because many people don't <br />use this road now because of the condition of the road. If <br />we require by zoning that people have to maintain an <br />excessive setback, a person could prevail in court on the <br />claim that we are taking their property without due <br />compensation; Mayor Johnson: it is to the benefit of the <br />landowners to know that right-of-way is purchased and out of <br />his hands and he knows what his development potential is and <br />where it begins. <br />