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l ' <br />I <br />DRAFT <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1992 <br />Acting Mayor Todd Williams called the city council meeting <br />to order at 7:04 p.m. in the city council chambers for the <br />purpose of continuing the public hearing for the 1993 <br />Budget. PRESENT: Williams, Hunt, Dick Johnson, Mayor <br />Johnson (arrived 7:08), Mottaz (arrived 7:08), Finance <br />Director Marilyn Banister and Administrator Kueffner. <br />AGENDA <br />Add: 5. December 15th Council Meeting <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to approve the December 9, 1992 <br />City Council agenda as amended. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />2. CLAIMS <br />Councilman Johnson asked that the Maintenance Advisory <br />Committee receive an explanation of Claim #1165 for $932.39 <br />to General Tire for four tires and rims. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to approve the December 9, 1992 claims <br />#1140 thru #1173 as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />CONTINUATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED <br />1993 BUDGET <br />Mayor Johnson explained this was a continuation of the <br />December 1st public hearing on the proposed 1993 Budget, <br />Hugh Madson, 11060 32nd St. N., stated the cost of living <br />increase for this year will be about 3.5%, why then is the <br />city increasing payroll costs by over 13%? Other questions <br />he raised: Is Larry Bohrer, city engineer, worth a 40% <br />increase in the engineering budget? Why is the fire <br />department compensation increasing by 36%? Madson asked that <br />the council take time to check the Brookfield 11 parking lot <br />which was installed about the same time as Laverne Avenue. <br />The owners of the building had a company from Eau Claire <br />patch the cracks at the time the city sealcoated Laverne and <br />the side street. The cracks on Laverne are worse now and <br />this will cause ultimate damage to the pavement. He <br />suggested stopping all sealcoating and hire the firm used by <br />Brookfield and some of the County and State Highway <br />Department to do the job which is guaranteed for five years. <br />Cut this budget by $60,000 and spend most of it on crack <br />filling. <br />