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Any member I of the public may speak at this time on any item not on the agenda. In <br />consideration for the public attending the meeting for specific items on the agenda, this portion <br />of the meeting will be limited to fifteen (15) minutes. Individuals are requested to limit their <br />comments to four (4) minutes or less. If the majority of the Council determines that additional <br />time on a specific issue is warranted, then discussion on that issue shall be continued at the end <br />of the agenda. Before addressing the City Council, members of the public are asked to step up <br />to the microphone, give their name, address, and state the subject to be discussed. All remarks <br />shall be addressed to the Council as a whole and not to any member thereof. No person other <br />than members of the Council and the person having the floor shall be permitted to enter any <br />discussion without permission of the presiding officer. <br />Your participation, as prescribed by the Robert's Rules of Order and the standing rules of order <br />and business of the City Council, is welcomed and your cooperation is greatly appreciated. <br />b. 2430 Larpenteur Avenue Improvements <br />c. Community Development and Sanitary Sewer Lining Update <br />13. ADJOURNMENT <br />