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LAUDERDALE CITY COUNCIL <br />MEETING MINUTES <br />Lauderdale City Hall <br />1891 Walnut Street <br />Lauderdale, MN 55113 <br />Page I of 4 May 13, 2014 <br />Mayor Dains called the City Council meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. <br />Councilors present: Mary Gaasch, Roxanne Grove, Lara Mac Lean, and Mayor Jeff Dains. <br />Councilors absent: Denise Hawkinson. <br />Staff present: Heather Butkowski, City Administrator; Jim Bownik, Assistant to the City <br />Administrator; and Kevin Kelly, Deputy City Clerk. <br />Mayor Dains asked for changes to the meeting agenda. There being none, Councilor Grov'i <br />moved to approve the agenda. Councilor Gaasch seconded the motion and it passed <br />unanimously. <br />® Mae Lean moved to approve the April 22, 2014 City Council meeting minutes. <br />Councilor Grove seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. <br />Councilor Grove moved approval of the claims totaling $120,128.77. Councilor Gaasch <br />seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. <br />Councilor Mae Lean moved approval of the Consent Agenda which included the PCIC <br />Minutes, F Investment Report, Public Entity Innovations Grant Application, Resolution <br />051314B Establishing an Absentee Ballot Board, and the purchase of fire hydrant markers. <br />Councilor Grove seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. <br />Special Recognition - Peace Officers Recognition Week <br />The Mayor and Council expressed their appreciation for the services of the St. Anthony Police <br />Department and lauded them for being one of the best forces in the metro. <br />Councilor Mac Lean moved to adopt •Resolution 051314A. A •Resolutionto Recognize an <br />Prclaim lice Week in the City f Lauerale. Cuncilr Gaasch secded ho <br />te mtion <br />and it passed unanimously. I <br />oPooddooon <br />Informational Presentation -Annual City -Wide Garage Sale <br />Bownik presented information on the City -Wide garage sale which will be being held on May 17 <br />starting at 8:00 a.m. <br />Public Hearing - Annual MS4 Public Hearing <br />A Public Hearing is held annually to allow the public to comment on the City's storm water <br />management program. The City program covers everything from education and outreach to <br />violation enforcement. <br />