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<br />92.01 .!:..'1I'lj'l~ (l6~:(!t!.!!. p(~,,\_~ ~o.~lt'wf. Till' Albllit/i~(!l&lh'.';., alld tll{!~('
<br />a9L'n(~ l'pp(litl~r1i1j IUI'I, a,oa' {jc.'1('b~1 C'nlJ.'l(1W(''1cd to L'mlduct it r'wg'Utm (J6 p(atlt
<br />P('~( CI1tlt.'IC'C pU,'1~lUln( .(1' Auilw'lUy fI'Idllt~d b" tli~ ~UtIH('.&t)t,l Stat!Ltr.~.
<br />Chil.)JtC'';. 18,O?:! mrd 18,0'/3, Thc' p'l(/~j'litm i~ dt'I('c.tl!d 6pr.c.iM,caUtl at tl,,~c(7Il-"
<br />t'lof ami l.'fim-illlt,t(Cm On Vutcll Um diULt~\! nWIHU~. .~(m ball#: bt(;.tf(.~, Oak
<br />w(rt It(..h'a~c' ~llJ/llIL~. (hId l.tlll'.';. epidemic di!Jc'aH'~ On (lte(',,\.
<br />
<br />92,02 .!!-'~l'.c.ct:i~'!I. ~!!..~ ',lve.!J.i.i-E..aJil'!!' Tilc' Admi.t1i!otMtC''i., o.,lr.i~ agent6:
<br />
<br />171 Slrat.i' i.tI~p('ct aU pJt.C'mi.-:'(,6 alld pfacC'-6 wi.1hill tl,e City M oMet! M
<br />:''U!.c.fi.,'rrhfc., bll.t lIot frH tl,atl t/rat'll'qll.i'lc'cf b!I tile State vn ,\liIH1('.~ota, rCI
<br />det,''1mi'I\' v.:l:ctlll"'l all:} ,"c',rdU-tCI! ck~C'lib,'d .ill Ciral'Il''l 92,v.1 \!x.i.~U)tll(":~Cl:.
<br />He ~/J(tU (lIw~ti9atC' :ti't' illcidellt~ ",~ illr;l!~tati('".!> i'l1 Dutel, i=(m :\ttJI!1u..~. elm
<br />bil..'i.I~ bl'l'aC~. Oal: W(tt ~lUlgu~, ,(.~ (Wl/ I,tl!l'~ l'J.'ideIPlic di!>l'(l~l'!> ()~ t,'1en. Alld
<br />,!'uch ~\lctO.':.!' ,t~licll !l~,' l.lt.tC'l/t.iaft'11 el'jit~t/lutl'~I! fl' Ull' .\:.''1ead (Ir; t~l'C' di!>ca!>n;
<br />
<br />I:.') ;\fa!/ l'lltc~ HI.'l'll I."/Ivatl' I-''lcmi!'l'~ lIt (/1/11 ~('a.!>u'!llbre t.iml' .<.u'l till'
<br />1.'(I'Il.'l'~I'~ \..~ ca't'u/ill~l l'lit ,1111( (';~ ~/Il' rill:-il.'~ I(~.~i~llll'd I,im Wille.,: thi.~ CI.wpte.'t;
<br />
<br />(5) , SlzaU II;X'I! oil!dill~l U'lIdi.t-(t'll!> il/di.catillg Oldeh Urn ,(lIoc!.:.ta.t.iulI, Oak
<br />Wit'( illne:~ta.ti(.'I!, (1'1 "ti'l''1 l'/,idemic di.~"MJC'~ ViI t.~C''''!',immedi.at('tlj Hlld
<br />al.'p'WIJ..'ua..te -6pcc.{m(,li~ u'l:'mnp(e~t(' thr diagliotic f.'.aboJta.to.'11j ope''l.ate,d by .the
<br />c"mni,:'~{OllM 06 a9JtA.eu.l'ttl'lc nO';. anaf.'.y~iJ.l, 0'1 ta/~l' "'/leh othcl:~i\'p-6ftOJt d.i.a911O~i~
<br />a.~ may be Jtec.ornmC'llded by the comllli B iOll(''1,
<br />
<br />q '2, 03 NILiMlllC l'~ VI! C {a'!(' fl. I t ~ ~ WI (' mq;uf 0" 'I ap" pl'.'! ~ I 'I' to I-'I'/1mi t
<br />pubt'ic ll(i.i~QJ1Ce~, .li;-II(':;;C:;-i-;T;'~illl'd tl''!I'ml~i.1l ('II ail~' Il'/l',nih'!> 11(t'l/l'd ,''I
<br />cC'IIt'l('(fcd b!/ I,illl wi t.hill till' Ci tll.
<br />
<br />Till' ~(:n"l(,("~l 11':(' ill'~dlll dC'da'll'tf r'llbfic i/LLi.!>(lnce!> tdICIIC'\'t''l tlll'U may bi.'
<br />'::-:'1,d (l:i {i, o,dl(, C i (;(.
<br />
<br />, ,
<br />, .
<br />( I j' All;,' i.t\,i;:i9:;::'!~{all(i(l19 Urn t.'1e(' (,,'I 1.lIt'Lt tIlC'l('d iil ilrete,( to allY
<br />Ill-I) 'II',' (t'i!li Iii/' JlltC:i [till ,de' ~eil~,' ~l:IlCW.!' CI!'111tOC/;6.ti.4 Uf.rni IBll(~mctlrl ,\!c'-'leau
<br />('!,"(dic'cll II.nLJi!.';~ al:1I l'(, tl/(, d'Jr. b..'1/~ 1,t';,tt~"~-~~';T!iIl!:.~~,\_lu(r:~.~~r'!_L~JI.{~. ifi.cilh, i
<br />". '4 "t" . ,h ., .'. ' . : "1" ""1 ~I I' " I lIlt. , ,', 1 .
<br />;.. t '~J. _l.'~.~;t:.J~~-'-,_.~:", r:-., _1.L..~'.'.__.J \ "I !.) 1 J
<br />
<br />(~;. AFII :/",;7'{ ,.~ d~IIP~1 Li'rn t~I'I' (!~ l-'a.~tt"l'';('(I,~, iIlCCW{CII~? f('ll~. iJ'lallc.J,c.'."!',
<br />!'(llml'~, ,~nl'I~\;i;":. u'; (ltlrc', U'", mll.tl''l..ia.f rl'l(lm lviri.ell till' ba,'rI~ i"u IIO"t urnl .'te-
<br />~'W d. and. bun/a d f''1 l'l{.'t,i. cef;
<br />
<br />(5) 'Awr fil'il!l1 l'': ~taJl(fill, Oa(~ tltl.'eo'l I'a'lt tlrr~,('('~. ill~l'ct('d ter {tJI~".
<br />.-{(' 9 'I i',' ,,:( til ; :11' e,ll: - Wi f t ,'ltlI911.~ (~-" !!_a.terE1.~'.fJ!'. If!u.~~~.a_'1_11!'I;
<br />
<br />(.Jl '\1111 dl'ad 1''1 dllill~j (1a!.- ('II'" (1'1 /-'"t'lt tlrl''1l'(:n, 1l1ei'(l(fi1l9 C(I~I.'., b,'wlldrl'~.
<br />
<br />~twnr"~, "~'; ,,:/II'~ (\11: "kl/(",iaf f.~('m (l'I,iel1 tlr" ba'r/: I'it.!> ill'( bl'l!il~,'l1it'\'..'d (wei
<br />. ,\ , ,. I' ", .. ., l' " I . I 'I I I
<br />(:,! J I; , j ,I d .. ': j II. 'r ( .. d . , ( 'i r i 1:1. 'f 'I' (I ~ L 04 (.' \: ~ il' ~ ,,-r ~,' ,~ !' t u ell! f t ti ( .., a ~ I (C I l t l' t lcl "l1~
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<br />ii,n ';I.t f"I','1 ';,,""'\'1'11, "111.': f'I' ~I-'f(t (llfl' ({/la~tl''1~ (lIId (;~ ~/~"(lf('~ t/:.lII 16 (IIri,e.',
<br />
<br />(11 ./((l"I('fl'~ ~',"ll f ,~:j'fi,,'~. "rill ill' I:I'/,f !.'i(:,l'uf 'i\'I'l<'l'il/~1 tl'l' hl~/: 1'~I'l'icl\'t{ (I,at
<br />
<br />b\.tll'l:l'1/ ,'.I.I~,";; h( ,11:,1 J/HII I~; (;~ <t 0 (1"'II't'C(\.'l'lj, ~,'ell,:i(I', IJI'ItigIIUtj. G.lld
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