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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />92. O.~ <br /> <br />,'t'lltlllt'uHII H''Ia~'p('d ill cf('lt'l p(lut.ic "6 at f('ll~t ./ mU'~ in (hicb"'.Hi ot <br />~'I";' I' {;a"l p'l('Crdu.h'~ <<1..\ 'h'Ci''''''('ncfl.'d b" tll" {'{'""niHi./m'.'! t'~ ag.'liC'ui'tlllfl'; <br />ti"d <br /> <br />15l OtIH'1( t,'lr('~ w.UIt ('tJicfemic di6(,cBr~, I'~ ~ac.t(J1L!I whiclia'Le tJ{'t('tlt-<aU~, <br />IldZll'ldplW (I' ill(, ~p'll'ad l'n .~uclr d-<~('a~(' L <br /> <br />92.04 VlHlIllt.iOtl (/6 Root C::l(a~t~, (tllu!n{'I'e.'l ([ t'!l.'C! i~ I~oundwfuch.u <br />actually Ol! ~1otc'~ti.a(l.!'-(J{~ecrwrtJi allY diHa~{~ c.ovC!.lLcd'l :tlu& Chap:telL, <br />the!. Admillctd!l.fttoll, (II! 1U.6 agent.!., ~lratf take tt'l:atcv(,.'I:,.ti!p.~ a'lC 'l(~C(!'~M,'l!l <br />aJ'l ccvmmend"d bl' tIll' cNnmi.66 icllll'~ (l ~ trglz ic ue tu '1t' to dh~upj af {' po teliti.a.i <br />,~(I(lt g.'litnt.L Tf1:!. di~'Iupt{OI1 -"/taU G{' pe'l~('''ml'd a~ 60{l11 ct.!. fX'!di6(,('. The <br />f."WPl'I!.t!, owni!'I, ('.'1 tll(, pe.'l~oll ~"l pO!',\{'~~ion, i..~ di~~(!'l\)l1t 1~'1('m Nl(' ('.l'llt' 'I , <br />CIlll'//{'ch thl' ('Z,'I'!. ~tal1d, (HId adjacent V'lO!-'I'.'1.t/f ('It'Il(,''1.~, (1.'1 the jJe.'lMIII .(n <br />rn ~ ('.:; ~ i ('II, d cJ i ~ fie .'Ie n t n 'l~m thl' OLVllC ", i rl the d iH!lp t (. Vii p.'1(1f''Ie e': te'ld.!. <br /><'lIt(.' t!J(l.t 1.''1(1].1(''1.('', Mlate be l1(1f.<n<('.1 b" Jli'.'1v'ifa/' ~(''Z\'ice (III ~iut'-cfa~~ maU' <br />ttwt '~(l..i1 di~~/lf.1til'lI wife bl:' dOliI'. <br /> <br />92.05 P''1.ocedu,'Il! it!.!.l ReJllova.i .::..6 T.'Ict'.!' at!d Wood. WIr(,J/I'vt'~thl! Admi.nL~.tJt.(tto,'J. <br />(l.,! hi.-!; ag(,lLt..T; bind tha.t-nu.wallcc.~ 0,.6 de.6i.llrati1C1iaptl"l. 92.03 ex.(,~t on anI} <br />pllb.e..{~c 0.'1. plti.vate f.1I!OP('ltty .t.llthe CUI} he .~haU 1I0t.(' ~~I tI/(. p.'IOpclttl} OU.'I:elL on <br />which 6uclz nu-t...\anc('6 a.'!r eoca-tcd, bl} pe,Mf'lIa.[ .~e'l.v.(c(, (t.,! bU ce'r.tif.,ied mctil., <br />.t.hat .th" l1uwallce.!-- m/l~t be abated within a~,.,cc.if.,it'.d, 1I0t (eM titan 5 <br />da/f':' f.,lzom thc datc af., 6elzv;cc, 0,'1 f.,J:omthc. date On ma,(-ti.11~1 of., !.Il':./z 'IOt.<.ce. <br />If maJ-fcd 110ti.ce OJr pe'I60llaf .~el/\'ir etA, ':c't be aclli\'vcd, tlll't! Iwtict!. mill} or. <br />ob.taincd by J.1ubei..~h-i.1I9 6am" i.nth!? fegaf t!l'w:,!.'apl."T (l~'1I0.t eC~6thall 5 daY6 <br />Plz.iolL to the date .t/tat ;the l1uhancc mtO t he aha ted ].1u.'1AoUan.t .to the IIOUce. <br />I (, the Olt'IlI?'I .~haa f.,aA. e to '1l'mOVt' th(' 11IliMIICC (.~) (,I/om thl! plLl'PClttl} de6clz.ibed <br />i.1l .the nt.t.iee, tile Admilli!.t''T. (''1 I,i~ il<lCl/t 6haff o'lde.'1 the llJo,'1I,(u be clone <br />und the :nf (I~ ~a~'d w(J-':,~ .~haff Ot' (liff..'d a9aill-~t the Ott'IlC,'l. <br /> <br />. :, .tll(; <br />.t.h r:: <br /> <br />92.0(, ~\~6('~~me.!1! ~.:.! !!..ui~al~~l! ~~t(''71''.!-'-~. If., the ottilie.'!. 6haU 6~d .to pal}< <br />b('U, a.~ PIz('t-;:;aca (.Ji'l .in C/:aptl'.'! 92-:05 wcthOl 90 da~,.~, .(he. Cowlcd ma!f' <br />:t~~(.~.~ jl;", aiiiOlii;t dw:, :'fl/A, ~IlU!"~'~l., I-'fa~ C(!~U, .till' p,'!op~Jt..tlj' . <br />~"'i.'ci..o..f aB<:Hm(,lLt pul(,~uatlt to Mi'~'/('..~i.'ta Statll.f(,-6. <br /> <br />116 a <br /> <br />lI'2.v7 !'l('EJ~{_i.l~ {,:.D .!!L~~' l.l.'IzCjO('lT'l, the Admini~t'l{lto'T, ('.'1 11{-6 a9:';rt.~, <br />. .dd,'~m.(nl' Ill/II t.'!l'C o~ wood wi tlzi.1I (hI' Call <-6 ,{'lInecti!d wd/l di..6ea~e. <br />('au..~e o"JanL~m6 pi,,'1'~/Jallt t(' thL~'r., I,,, tnay .tJzeat af1.' tl(~a'lbl} high l1aCuc <br />tllce.'J wi-th .the applz(!1-1!7.(a.te ('Jze.m~('a( .tJzC!atment. Tlleat.(119 ac.t.iviti.cjauthoJUZC'd' <br />by th..i6 Chat.'t~1r &/zaU be cOl1ducted in acco!;daIlC" wUh and expelLt <br />op.{ntfltB and pfall~ 0(, tlr" c.('mmW.~i(,I/(''l on ag'licuftUIl(', C'I o.thelL S.tate o66.ic..i(tf...6~ <br />The ,.,.'Iov<.~i(1'I.~ o,~ Cltctpte.'I 92.05 appf!! to f.'1 ('at.i I1fl op'-'.'Iati.(Jn~ C{'lIdllc..rd wldr.'!. <br />tlzi~ ,.,Il(lvi.~iol1. T'1('a.tmC'n.( aldh"lLized pU.'l-6uttl1t to th.(,~ !-""OVi6i(I'r~lratf be <br />'coil6.ide'l"d a'l eml''1t/C'llcy a('t..ivit~1 bl} (I/e (i..(II, alld CUI at.t('mf.'t tl' abate ,1 <br />:,ubfi(' 11IH't"HlC(', and (/1(' C~'tlf, tlrl' Adm('I:i~t'l(ltl'.'r, 1''1 /zi~ Il.(j('nt~ ~/z,li'(' 1'1'( 61' <br />fi"]['{j' f,'~ (11111 dama,jl'~ 'T"~llftil1~1 IW'1rw:d,''!. <br /> <br />(i~.C.~ 7.:'111~1','~/(J'ii W('{'d r~"',ihtl'd. [r n (Ulflll('.~ld' ~"~ Clllf f-'l''l~I''' (v <br />t"lll:~!"",( :.~ fli/~,' tT'-I,--r(tl,'(ii!i, [':1"'1H;('-n'1-1I1", ""'t'.{ ~'u'Z~/liH,t fc' tI,i.~ CIWtlt(,,!, <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />...:,..:.:1 <br />":~'-~:;':"~:".~I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />i." <br /> <br />~? :.' <br /> <br />