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<br />:;..1,.1, 1. lit.. cI'mp,lIIY shid I lIol O(lt'1I or dl1.tllrh IIIlY st It'l'l tH 1'1I111 h.
<br />pl.we 1"1 lilY I'urpll~l' wi lhout first havillg \)htnint.d permission t.o dn 14t') from
<br />Ih.' pr"''''1" City pffidills. The mnins, services linn other property plne'!'J
<br />in till' ':"....UI :1Il" public pl.H'es JllJr~lI.1nt to such permIssion shall hI:'
<br />1"cI:':'.I, II I'ossihle, ill th.' strl'ct~ or porlion of lhe Slrl'l~ts ItIle! 1'111.11.:
<br />pl.. ,.... .11:d I 1)1' appl'ol.,,(:d hy the City. Tit(' Comp:my sll.111, "pOll (""llII'L.tion
<br />"I .II1Y ;,.,,', r!'l/ldrillg the l'pl'ning of any Slrt'et or rublir place, c'r dlJJinJ~
<br />1.'.Hi;trih'.,j,i;; if '.qdercd by :..h(1 City. rC:Jtnre lhe Slime, includ1n;: lh.' r..J'!lnt;
<br />,111.1 it., ' "Il.d.lt i"n~, 1.'.1 .,~ gllfld C:'lIHlition [IS formf'rly ,,"d shall rn:lillt;1i11 thl'
<br />';;I\n.' tPI .1.'_' (l, '.'l'.lrs tlll'rf'alt('r in I~nod condition. S.,id work shit11 III'
<br />p,'r;'()nll...1 with Jlle diligl'nce ilnd if thf' Company shall filil promptly tl'
<br />!Wrl'1nll 11111 compll't.l' till' work, to remove all dirt and rubbish ilnd t,) put. Lhe
<br />street ",. I'"blic plan' in ~ooJ cllnditlnn, the Cltv 5h:111 h:I'Ie the right.lO
<br />pilL tit..' ~,,[..,.t 01' Pllblil' pl.lec III gl)od condition at till! l'x.pl'n~t: of till' r;:lmpanj";
<br />.lnll th.' ",....I'.lrly ~h;lll, IIp''n d('m;l1ld, pill' t" the CI ty tit,. l'o:H of slI<:h '~'~lrv dOI1(,
<br />f"f ;lr i' I [III-;l,,'d i)~ tIlt' Cit}'. ~,'twithst:llldillg till' fon:'gflin!~ prnvi:liClw: (,f
<br />ltd''; s..,r.IClII, till' C:I'll1p;:ny 1II.')Y opl.'n OIIHJ disturb tll.' surlan' III imy :;tn'el witil~)Ul
<br />I"'llnis,;i ':, where ;lIt C'IlIL'rgcncy l'xists rcqlliring the illunedi<Jte repilir "I r. !;iIS
<br />m.d!! or ",': s,'rvic;'. '/'1\1' C(llliP:lIl\' in S lIch ,'vent wi 11 report such .icti"n nr>t
<br />Llt"r Ih!~l tIll' sl'cond working Jay Ilwfl'i1fter' and in such (orm <IS ['l'quin'd
<br />hy th,' City.
<br />
<br />"
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<br />
<br />.'.""1.
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<br />':1
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<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />SubJ,'j No :street opt'nillg may lw made unless i.Iucqllat,~ traffic ("I)!Itrol
<br />mt.!ilsurt'S .1 r(~ p rov i ded .
<br />
<br />SEer/on 7.
<br />
<br />L;_,:.l_~'::..,~ t j ,~:.
<br />
<br />~~J~d:_ _~ \~'1ll'l1('vpr till' Ci ty sh-,J 1 ;;r:IJ..-, ['('p,r<tde ,II' ch:'n~(' t.11l' 1 illl' ,,[
<br />any strl'i't or pub]il' pL1CC or l'1l1l~;rr\lt:t Ill' r('Ctllls!'ruct any puhlic 'Itilir.v .
<br />5~~:;terr. !,l1t,t..... in :lnd ~dlall t ill Un! Pif-'p\.:r t::,t..:'r\.1[t(. of its rH,)licl.~ Ih,\Oif'r. Illid \...tith
<br />due' rCJ'g:lf -I ~Jl Sl',l~.{)n.lble working cdndi!.:. ;nnc; ~ ...du,"n np(.p~~~1ry nrd"r thl.' CouuJ(1ny
<br />I", rc],1;'.,!,' ['('rrn.111l'ntly its Fl.'; .-~;. o.:"!''.'il'''s i!lld ,.tht'l pr"pl'rty ]p~'''lt('d ill
<br />s'lid ~;t.r....t-. "r pt.h1ic p.l,dLC, ',h,,~ ~:tIHlp,i!lY ~~:l<lll r<,'lncaL". it.~; ftlCilitit:',~ ,It'
<br />its "1.'11 "':I"II~.;C. The ::ily sh:dl l-~i'.''-~ lh,' C"lill',ln:, r,'asllllilhle 1l0tL:e oi plilns
<br />r.' gr:J<I,. n'grad(' 111- ('han!;" !~!:I' J i!\(' If ."IllY stn'l'! r:- puh) Ie place 01- tll
<br />c,'llsLrn:: or recollstruct illlY p'.Ji>lic ltcilil'y systelll therl'in.
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br /><;:\!d. l. "11" COlnl'o1ny :;11,111 I),., l'l':Jltir,d tl' r..loc:ll:'1' its [;lciliti,1'; at'
<br />its ..Wil ',~;'0l\~;'-' \.o,'hl'rc t'rud!' dl:II,!~(!!; ..r'~ l~i1"C hv tlt(' Ci.::y for impr'.",ed dr.tiilLlgc
<br />,,!' impr"'J'''! t:":lffic cOlldilil,lllS, pr'l\iJ~'d, hnw('vpr, if a'Hlhsl'q'J('n" rr".'c.11inl:
<br />or rt'jn","'_i'l!ls sh.d 1 b~ nnlpr'.:d hel:,~I\IS0 ( f :J grade ch<1ng(' within r('n dl))
<br />Y{~'lr~ fr"ia 1nf~ ~ftf'r "he ftrf.:t rf.',!,),...!ti.f''l., th,' (:ilY ..,hal1 reiflihll!"'(" tht.
<br />Cf)'lIp.lIlY I'lr such nnl\lH'ttcr1T1el'l r<:'tnCiltiol1 t'xpellsl' ""hidl till" C"lllp;~l\Y 11:,)\'
<br />in'_1I1" I'll I t.itlle :\l\d lll,lterLll 1J.1!:i~, If ..;llh:.;,'CJlwnt r('lnciltion:; ..n. rl'~l'tir"'.!
<br />lH'call~'(' '1' tlH' ('xtc.lsinn (If pllhlic IItililie.; to prcvi{ll\~;ly 111151.'r\'l.d ,1I"'~lg,
<br />thl' r;OI;J!'.tn:, may be rcql\il-("d to ["('In"dt., ,II its 0wn <.';.:per'5(, :It any tin'l'.
<br />
<br />
<br />~~:'~d:_2.:... '''11)' rr']nc:ol i"II, I"PltJ",v;II, "I' :I rrdllgi'nll'lI I ol Llny C"1ll11.11l)' 1,Icilitics
<br />m"ue Ill" ..';~;.'ry h(,C:\II'H~ Id tIll' (,..:t."11r;ion inl" or through the City ;If ;\ Il.der.1Ily
<br />aided hi,.h.".:I:.. prnjl'('t. ';h:1I1 I", ;:,.\U'r!iI''' 1,\' I.I\(' l'rnvisjons of r.linlil":,".l .-:Iiltutl'i
<br />Si",ti'l1l 11-0/..',(, :1'; ';lIppJ"nll'l1lf'd .lI' :1111"I1'.ll'''; ;tilt! illl.thl'r it i~: I':':I'I"':;':!'; 1II1dl,r--
<br />'=!.,.,nd rh It th(. ri,',ht. IH'rl-in )',r.lldl.d ii' ilu' .'lmp.!uy i'~ ,! '.,il,-!'l1.].} PI' .~'t'l tv l-if~ht
<br />'1Ild 1.11., "i:v ,;h:,:] Il"t .'rd"r (i", ('II':'I':IIlY r" r"II1"v,' III' ",'I,..:...t.. ;':'; I.. i!ith's
<br />with",,' ""I;II"",o;:'ti"l1 wlll'll.1 ~;lr,...t ,,1' I'"h!;,' w,IY is \':IC-If"", il'll'l""v"d ,,1'
<br />rf":l] i;:t:...! ht'{"":l:~;l' III ;1 rf':~:'w,11 .)r ;J (( d,'v..)nllYO','''! plolfl whIt. hi'; t 'II"''', 1,Illy
<br />s,,"si.li...,r1 ill "II "I ill p.l;'! hv tll.. 1".!,'r.ill:"Vl'rl1lllt'nl ('I" :\11\' :11:""'<; 111l'r"oIf.
<br />111l~("~ '!,I 1'1',1';'111.11",. n')Tl-i\"l~1 rf~!tJn' l .';t,'; I.r ':ll,'h r,.Jp{ at 11'1l .11l,! rtH' I,p;.q
<br />.011.(' ,'," r"'.III! ill;: 111.'r.'l""I', .I'" III';' ;;,Iid III till' I;IIl11p.II')'.
<br />