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<br />'. <br />.~ <br />:1 <br />'~ <br />:.j <br />:'1 <br />.'...1 <br />.' f <br />:J <br /> <br />, ::1 <br />.....i' <br />':F{. <br />!J <br />,~ <br />::. !~ <br />: .~, <br /> <br />.- ,~ <br />. 'Ii <br />'j\ <br /> <br />:'~ i~: <br /> <br />~;.J:. <br />::J',' <br />"~ <br />:1 <br />"~ <br /> <br /> <br />~' , <br /> <br />':,{ <br />~' <br />':.i <br />'.i~ <br />,'.~, <br />, ,,.!~, <br /> <br />.:1 <br />"';1' <br />j <br />}': <br />."",}.." ' <br /> <br />......t. <br />...... .' <br />':"," <br /> <br />.:;i <br />"I' <br />!1 <br />. ;~ <br />'~, <br />:~\ <br />,.:1 <br /> <br />. :1\ <br />, ,I <br />1; <br /> <br />"I~ <br /> <br />- <br />1 <br />j.. <br />..J <br />-..:i; <br />'~ <br />"'fT <br />r <br /> <br />- , - <br /> <br />'.f:,'f'jrltl L ~l'rvlcc, RaUlS, <br /> <br />~~I~~:_)_~ The Company shl111 provld(' rensunably efficient, cllll''luatl: and <br />Ili,n d~~'.:ri~,!in1t"ry l'I~rvic(! to all memlwrs of the publlc within the City <br />applyi!!l: lor such service in accordance with the rules regullltiomJ or lhe <br />r.nmp.1ny allel the Millnesota Public Service COlIl1linsJon. <br /> <br />~~2.~~.!.'~~.:..2.:. Hat('s to be chltr~cd by th(! Compnny for gos scrvicr' in thf_~ Cit'y <br />si"dl !.., ::lIbj('C"t to tht' juri!':di~tion of the Hinncsota Public 5CfVicl' CI)I1Unission. <br /> <br />2~'~~.:.-1.:.. Unless otherwise provhll'd by the Company's rates lllld/or rules <br />.1nd rq;ulations fileu, [rom time to time t.Jith thp Ninnesota Public Service <br />(:>>:;Jlnis';hn, g:1S service provided by the CC'mpany to its cu~tolllers in the City <br />sh,Il1 ".,t be interrupted or disturbed except under the following circuOlstancefl:' <br /> <br />(a) \olhen it is necessary to interrupt servin' to perfoln maint(!n:lIlc:e <br />tll till' "yc:lctT' in .'lccord:1nce with the Company's I"atps ;"pdior rules <br />.lIIl! rq')1I1ations filed with the Puhlic Service Conunissioll. <br /> <br />n1) f)urin~ such times as the pipcJ inc supplier is unable tC furnish <br />;1r!l'quClte suppli('s of gas. providl'd, however, the Company h:1s taken <br />,Ill reasonable steps to secure a suppJemental sllpply of ~:1S for <br />residential customers. <br /> <br />(c) In the ('vent of thJI1~t fid.2 \.:iiiert;c:-; '.,:hen i.t: ~<<; npces~;)ry to <br />curt:1il g3S service to mairtain the best possible s~rvice to <br />priority loads or to maintain the necessary pres!':ufc on thl.' <br />Comp~ny's sy.tcln. . <br /> <br /> <br />(d) ~ihl,n "lder,~d ::0 do so by a public regulatory body, having <br />jllril'Jdiction to issue such an order. <br /> <br />(e) BccaU5'~ of ~lCtS of God. <br /> <br />{f \ 1;(:;..0,1,:.' ;,f l;llforc~('('ablc cOI"ii!.:iottsheyond tho:: cODtT"\.ll Ilf tIn' <br /> <br />C:U:!!p:H';Y. <br /> <br />{g I ;''',r.1ny ol her reason 0r rC<iS,JOs provided for in tile l'at"s, rules <br />:Hld regulations of the Cclmpany filed wi Lh the :'lillnesotap'ubl i.c <br />~ervice Commission. <br /> <br />:ill!"J. 'I. T~'~ silall s(~r'Je ;J copy of any proposed ch;.lug('r. tl' <br />it5 rt1LI'~; and rf',~ulacions on [il<' with t1w :.Ii.nn('!wta Public Servic(' <br />Cmnmi<;';i011 pcrt;1ininj?, to curtailml'nt, illt.<!f.uption or dist'Jrbanc,'~ of <br />service, felr re<lson;; other than the f.1ilure to pay for service, ",ith the, <br />City 3t J~ast ten (10) days prior to said ch:1ngcs becoming effective. <br /> <br />SECT 1 ON. t~, <br /> <br />i'j'lIl('X( J \.IS j vc Franch i S'~ . <br />----------- <br /> <br />Thi<; is not all exclusive fl:lI1chi<;... <br /> <br />SECTION 5. Laving :'Iains. <br /> <br />ThO' r:":~pIlIY ill'.rees r:<I 1;,:,' such ot its TII:JiIlS .ll1d l,jpl'S as :.)1(1,.' ~.:ithin <br />it.s n'Cj,!ir"l11l'lIts tor servi,'f' .1" SC'l'1l ;1:; P':lsc'nab1y (los.iI>J,(' to e1.) ";0. f1,.:' <br />Cl'lIlp;mv .....ill giv., rl?asoll.l1lle wl'ill"11 notL'l' to the Cit.:. l:ngilH'l'r l!f 1,J~llIs <br />t." 1.1)' ;"'lil~';' :11 .iIlY part "f tilt.. f'ity, Th.' 1:lyil1g "f such 111;lins sh.111 IW in <br />accord ,,-,ithf'st.ll>li..IH'd City plimning <Ind 1!llgincering. <br />