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<br />5) ',. Conducting the business O.fp~d~U'~;.~ ":'~~~~~~~~'~~-,~~~-~~~~;io~;~:.~::;T2~~~t~.~"'~'~~:.:.~~~
<br />
<br />transient merchant, itinerant merchant" or itinerant ':~:.~~~~'.:'.:.' ':',
<br />vendor, as the case may be, in an un1aw.ful.mannerorin.
<br />such a manner as to constitute a breach of~peace or.t6~ ...
<br />constitute a menace to heal th ,sa fety or. general:'welfai;~ :;;:~,,:::;"
<br />of the public.
<br />
<br />299
<br />
<br />............
<br />
<br />
<br />.: ..',
<br />
<br />Subdivision 2. Notice of the h~aring for revocation of a permit
<br />shall be given by the City Clerk in writing, setting for specific~lly the
<br />~;":.-()t.~r~:.~':s of corr:.p.laint and the time and pl.:l~;(~ of heo:r-ii1CJ_ S~jch no,t.ic.~~'::
<br />::,:'~(..\:: :It',l !na":'~icJ, postage !)rel)a.l.c!, to LLc f.~f,.t"'r~.it.tee dt hi.':; !..2St k~:.(~""~n
<br />;)i.'.!;_~r'~,'~~7; Jt. .1c:.~~-;'C five da1's pri(")r to the (':.:It,(~ ~~c.t fo.-:: h(~a~-'inq 0-:"" s~lG~~l u(~
<br />:~ '..' ! !' ,'::' (".\,:.:i r. /'/ .., !~,() 1 ice 0 f f i. ce r in t. ~~e =; a :-~(~ 1;'": ::."14'-; [; '.;1.- ,J~:: u :.:,urr:~'~~..-:.I:l~; do t l.f;;:~ 5 t
<br />._',:', ',l:~'/~;. ;;:~.~c.'r the date set fol." hcar:i:-j(";..
<br />
<br />.r.',
<br />, ,'I,:
<br />
<br />11 C;~.~'3 /~1-~.)cal. Any p\.,:t.:,~()r~ a~1~!r:,~',:,"'./f~_"~,~ .t.i/ t.r~e act.l(.')!l c.t th.~~ {~~~e,:
<br />CI~ ~":'i-'~'~I:-:e ':',;~ ~_ri~:;' C:ity Clerk in t'~.;(~ (~~~:1i;'~} (;~ ...~ ~_:.r:':rrnit: ..:is '~):"~'.',)"l.:~j~~j ,;.:'\
<br />~;;",.:t.:'-':' J:'C\, 1:; :.j:' this chapter r-;,'.lj' ap~>:'.':,l t.~.:.: tn<:: CO'JrlG.i'!.. Such aPt>~...::d
<br />~',;Fil.:. :',;:,:, ta,~,':'ii ()y filing with t:;,~ Ccu:lcil ',.!,~:.:~1in .foL:rtec:'n d:t/s afte::-
<br />~~ :':,:, i.:e 0: t ;:c 2.ction complained of, i1 ......:; i tt.:c). sta temen t s.;:'": tiD'] forth
<br />fully the grounds for the appeal. ThQ Council shall set a time and place
<br />for a hearing on such appeal, and notice of such hearing shall be given to
<br />the appellant in the same manner as provided in Sp.ction 110.12 of:this
<br />chapter for notice of hearing on revocation. ~.
<br />
<br />"'",.,
<br />, ;',,;f
<br />
<br />"".1
<br />i: ':
<br />
<br />!.":
<br />
<br />
<br />has been~re.vo.ked:',' ,
<br />hav.e. 'el,apsed,~:si,~~:;,"';:'" t..
<br />~':.:.' ~.:, :':"~'.:\:";~.J;:~:~~}~~~~Mjt~~~)f;~l~;~~:~;~.:j :-~.:... .~" ::i
<br />.. .-, . ,...'",: :..... '", ,:' ,'C'. :' ;'1
<br />
<br />110.15 Expiration of Permit. All annl1al permits issued under~'the''-:'':::.~,:-j
<br />provision~ of this chapter. shall expire at midnight th~ 31st day of . ' ;j
<br />Decerr.ber ~n the year when 1ssued. Other than annual l~censes shall exp~re " , ~
<br />at midnight on the date specified in the license. ' , , ~~I
<br />
<br />;;~'",;,:;;~::::~::::,..: 110.16 License Fees . The annual: 1ic€.nse fee :for peddle:rs'~~\:.-.': ",{.",:~:?::+::;Ji
<br />
<br />'~~~~C~i~~~o :~~ =~~~s ~~~i t~~~~~a:~~t~h~~l f~c~i~;,.O~h::=~i?e'fir,~t'mi>ritl1i;i;;i;"~' ....,,,
<br />
<br />
<br />110 .17 Penalty. Any person Whoviofates:~rfy~'pr9v-ision'<:'of-.this." "
<br />ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conv.i~tlon::t'here6f "shaTl.,~be':Y'.1
<br />punished by.a fine nOt exceeding $500 or by imprisonment for a:periognot ". j-
<br />exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution.}:
<br />.,(
<br />I
<br />
<br />110.14 Reapplication. No permittee whose permit
<br />shall maKe further application until at least six months
<br />the last previous revocation.
<br />
<br />;': <~
<br />
<br />""':j,. ;'!
<br />. " , ~
<br />
<br />Section 2. Repeal.
<br />S are hereby repealed.
<br />
<br />Ordinance
<br />
<br />No. 73 and Ordinance No. 238, Section
<br />
<br />"1;
<br />
<br />~ ~
<br />
<br />Section 3. Effc<.:l.iv(~ Date, This ordinance takes effect on
<br />Janua~x 31 , 19 81 .
<br />
<br />Adopted by the Council this 8th
<br />
<br />day of December_, 19 ~.'
<br />.. -
<br />
<br />
<br />-- . AT'fEST:
<br />
<br />( SEAL)
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