<br />':h:j
<br />
<br />(2) No sign structure shall be attac~ed or placed upon any I
<br />building in such a manner as to obstruct any fire escape, or any ;1
<br />window or door, nor shall any sign structure be attached to -a fire-':;i
<br />escape. ,:W~l
<br />
<br />'.> No sign erected before the passage of this part shall be ':~~
<br />r~ l, altered, or removed to a ne...: location without _1?-cir&g ~ro.ught___' ',:pJ;&.1
<br />
<br />:: :a~;~::~::;;;g ;;;:~;;; ;;;;;::;;;:;~;;c ;~: ;r;;;:~n~"e~~~~ ~~c~r .... '~i__1
<br />
<br />
<br />Bign so erected, huoy, or attached prior to the pa~sage of this. _
<br />part which is deer.led unsafe by the Building Inspector shall be <{,:jff.:
<br />immediately removed by the owner thereof; or change to conform with ;,:;:;''i'1
<br />the requirements of this part when so ordered by the Building Inspector.::/;f;{
<br />. . c . ' ~.;...'
<br />:;. Oft
<br />l5) Where portions of a sign are subject to different classifica-. .~~
<br />t:.on, each portion shall meet the requirements of its classification..:. ;'.'i:'~;)
<br />, :. ..' ',: <.':';~~ /:~:.~,j~T~}i
<br />, , (6) Each sign requiring a permit shall have an identifyi-ng number~:-:~;~~i~1c
<br />to be provided by the Inspector, ...,hit:h number shall be posted on the, '''~f~_~
<br />~xterior surface of the sign structure in a location where such,."
<br />information will be readily visible after the sign is constructed.
<br />
<br />- :.f.
<br />
<br />in a' safe::,,';
<br />sign sha;Ll;;_:l:-._:
<br />, <:,9.~ pe~~ erit":'~;7:i';l~:;1L
<br />.. .. .. ",:,..1;'" ".:.:
<br />
<br />
<br />(7) All signs and sign structures shall be maintained
<br />?condition and in a state of good repair at all times. No
<br />,display matter that has been deemed obscene by, a court,-:():f
<br />,jur isdictions.
<br />
<br />..;
<br />-1 (3) Each sign shall be used an~ maintained only Inthe ~anner
<br />permitted and subject to the conditions imposed at the time the
<br />Pi,e it therefor was granted.
<br />
<br />ubdivision 2. Additional Conditions. The following additional
<br />,con itions shall be observed:
<br />
<br />,.:: I:
<br />:,.' .~.
<br />. . ~'. ~.
<br />. '. ,'.:f"~l.
<br />.,"..
<br />'. ..,
<br />. ~h
<br />
<br />::;" (1) No ground sign, (except temporary EJ~e~Ra-SighS,'b6r'thBii~:i~'r'gh,~:L~;::;-:~i\~:iji~
<br />'~:'6r banners), signboard or billboard shall approach at any p.oint-..:..;" .....w.....;.:.:::~:.:::.G~>~~\{
<br />. nearer than th!:'ee (3) feet to any building unless such sign is , ' ':;",~<~;:";
<br />"placed parallel to the side of the building; nor shall any ,such_sigh :))f::i\:':;~~:;
<br />,:,be placed within six (6) feet of the side of any lot, nor: nearer than t'::-,q!
<br />','f if teen (15) feet to any street line where there is nocstabl~i:shedbr.:t!,-::;,Yi~;~!\
<br />customary building line, nor within twenty-five (25) feet of any ,:i':-?l~
<br />street corner right-of-way. Whenever the established or customary
<br />,:uni form bui lding line upon the street where such ground sigI).is to
<br />erected is more than fifteen (15), feet [rom the street or:property
<br />line, then such sign shall not approach nearer the street than the
<br />established or customary uniform building line.
<br />
<br />...~, ..
<br />
<br />.\:"
<br />
<br />f~~~'i{41
<br />
<br />(2) The owner, lessee, or occupant of the land
<br />ground sign is located, and the owner of the ~ign,
<br />property on which the sign is located free of long
<br />other rank growth, rubbish or debris.
<br />
<br />on which; t-_he " '. '
<br />shalL keep the'
<br />grass, weeds or
<br />
<br />. .,' .' .: .:;;:~;.:~
<br />~.. ,'.,. '"\
<br />
<br />::+X~,;:~j:,;~,:h':;;;
<br />
<br />;':1:
<br />".!"
<br />
<br />(3) All parts of ground signs, e~ke~-~RaA-~effi~e~a~y-~~e~Aa
<br />~~~R~7 shall be designed for wind pressure of not less than thirty
<br />
<br />; I
<br />
<br />'..
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />:~:.
<br />
<br />