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<br />,~ <br /> <br />4l <br /> <br />'~j' <br />:11:- <br /> <br />'''. <br /> <br />I;' <br /> <br />3 9'.10 <br /> <br />"Ail p~e F - 9 9 - a i - ~ A ~ e -gaae... -- ~fte- i ee e -p l'eY~ a eEi --tJ\el1 e:i: ft-a Ee -:i: ft-aEia'4: ~~e ft <br />~a-afty-e~~e~F4:ea~-afta-B~~~Ei4:ft~-~el'm~t_iee9_Ee~~~Eea_BY--tA4:e-Geae... <br />The perm1t fee shall be established by resolution of the City Council~ <br /> <br />39.11 Waiver of Fees. The Council may ~n its directi6n waive <br />the fee required by this part where the signs are to be erected by <br />civic or religious organization. <br /> <br />39.12 Maintenance of Premises. Premises on which ground sign~ <br />are loc~ted shall bC,maintained free of weeds,~nd debris,' and wh~re <br />landscaping was' part of the original sign permJt, such landscaping <br />shall be maintained in the manner provided in such permit.. (214) <br /> <br />39.13 Tra~fic Regulat10n and Sign Location. Compliance with the <br />following regulations rela~ive to traffic control is reguir~d: , <br /> <br />(1) No movirg or flashing sign shall be located or maintained <br />within 50 feet of an intersection at which traffic semaphores are <br />located. <br /> <br />(2) No sign shall be designed, located or maintained so a~ to <br />,J- likely to obscure or conceal or cause confusion:"as to .az:ty, traffi.c <br />;';:'~r;;;'-' ;~~r"i:':'~-"';i":":';icontrol,'sign or' device.' , <br /> <br />: ~." <br />.'~~ff'~<~~."" .' <br />.; ...~. <br />:ii' <br /> <br />....i <br />.i",1: <br />. 'f <br />, '\ <br /> <br />......~,.:r~..':. <br /> <br />.':.- <br />, ' <br />.~ ( <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />'- <br /> <br />be <br /> <br />. '.: . .;;~...::,' <br /> <br />. ~':.:'.! ."~. ::"... !~.' ,:' ( <br /> <br />':(3FNo'signshall"be located or'mainta~in~d'~~''''~ro~~r any public <br />street or hiqh~ay right-of-way unless specifically permitted by,che <br />zoning regula tions of Lhe M1Jnicipali ty. ' <br /> <br />(4) There shall be ~o use of revolving beacons, zip flasher~, <br />flashing signs or similar devices that would distract automobile traf- <br />fic as to constitute a safety hazard. The illumination of any sign <br />located near a residential district shall be diffused or indirect and <br />located so as not to direct li~ht on residences. No flashing si9n , <br />. she> 11 be, lac:! ted in such close pro:dmi tv to residences or resid'en tia 1 <:' <br />iprop~tt~~ab to ~~nstitute a nuis~nce to ~ersoniesiding on the p~9perty <br />ber~as6n of flashing of the lights in such sign. <br /> <br />"".H <br /> <br />"'f~ <br />l.~ <br />-l'f <br /> <br />-Jill <br />',:'::t~ <br /> <br />'~l":(: <br /> <br />",\~ <br />",L, <br />..':L~ <br />,'I ;' <br />.L..: <br />,".' :.: "~...l'i <br />j": <br />" '~,:" <br />f' <br />~ <br />I <br /> <br />.~ <br />i' <br />,t, <br /> <br />..j~ <br /> <br />!t.', '" <br />";).; :~" <br /> <br /> <br />!1". ~ <br />," {,' . . <br />"f.,.-,: <br /> <br />;;I',:;: <br /> <br />l, .r. <br /> <br />. '-~ <br />i <br /> <br />,I (5) Thp. sign shall be located or maintained so as not to int~'r- <br />-:i-,: fere with the ability of drivers or pedestriansto, any crossroad <br /> <br /> <br />:'~l~:,,,..,cor. ,:::::':a l:~ns true tion , Design, Location andMa in t~nance of ,; S iq;',t. <br /> <br />'::E~~):;,::;j:":,,, sUb(hv.lsionl. All Signs; Con~truc~ion,Design,' Location an~ '" " <br />''''Maintenance. Every sign shall conform to the standards of this part "-" , , , <br />':.,':~ whether or not a permit therefor is required, and nothing con,taine~l ,,""< <br />y~,; , herein shall be construed as modifying or repealing any of the ""'.',~":-":< ,,' '._", <br />;::f;.' "', ' " : provisions of this Code rela tingt.o" zon~~g.___,t-J.()_..~_i~_n_~!1~Jf._");?~~'E9._;,~;;;i,:~i,;:~~~:~:;~.,:::~j;i*"':~ <br />-,~,~-";--..;..--~~--,located as-to obscur.e-or-tendto"-obscure any eX1stJ_ng s1gn. Tile:, ,:, <br />! following additional requirements are to be observed: <br /> <br />(1) Each ground sign shall be securely built, constructed' and <br />erected on the ground. Temporary ~~e~fl~ signs shall be so design~d <br />that they are n0t readily overturned. <br /> <br />--/ <br /> <br />-.;.'" <br /> <br />, o"J <br /> <br />.. '.:,J,. ~', <br /> <br /> <br />" <br />