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<br />;::::,;a.. The most, recently filed Department of the ~rea~ury, ~~":'" \'~~:,'".:__'~.:-'" "':_:"\:~: t!;
<br />Internal Revenue Service, "Return of Organ~zat~on : . -,: '- '.,_,,".. : :"I~;
<br />;,,,,~.,,,:,.Exe:npt from Tncome Tax", Form 990, or_a comparable' ";-' --''''- :'::,~;_,31~
<br />..':~': "'farm i i'the organization is required' to file' the' form' "',:1,
<br />, with the Depart-:tent of the Trcas:ury.:1
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<br />107.19
<br />
<br />Subdivision 3. Preservation and Inspection of Records.
<br />Records required by th~s chapter shall be preserved for three years
<br />and shall be made available for public inspection and 1nvest1gat10n
<br />at reasonable times and places. The Clerk-Administrator and police
<br />department may investigate such records at any time.
<br />
<br />107.20
<br />
<br />Reports.
<br />
<br />Subdivision 1. Monthly Reports. Each organization receiving
<br />a aermit under this chapter shall report monthly to its membership. , ,
<br />an to the Clerk-Administrator its gross receipts, expenses, and l' ';
<br />profitsfr'om----rtS.~tfvitles and the distribution ,of those profits <,.:;;.
<br />itemized as re.~ired by this chapter, separating the figures for '
<br />bi1'}go operations from those for gambling if both are permitted.
<br />
<br />Subdivision 2. Filing Documents. At least 30 days prior to
<br />"conducting its first bingo occasion or the first gathering or
<br />occasion at which gambling devices are operated 9r,a raffle is
<br />conducted and on an annual basis thereafter, a permitt'ee shallfi+e
<br />~;:... , with the Clerk-Admin istrator a copy of each of the following :
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<br />b.
<br />
<br />The most recently filed Department of the Treasury,
<br />Internal Revenue Service, "Exempt Organization Business
<br />Income Tax", form 990-T, or a comparable form if the
<br />organization is requ~red to file the form with the
<br />!2.::!:'artment of the- Treasury."
<br />
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<br />c. A "Statement of Bingo Operations" if the organization
<br />has a bingo permit and a "Statement of Gambling
<br />.. ~rations" if the organization has a gambling devices
<br />, ;,_, ::',,, ,permit. The form !or such statements shall be ',:,
<br />'" .....~~:~:~~:::.~:::~!~~~;~:.:~prescribed by ::the:' 'CIerk-Admini'strator .,.::.. AI.l .. information::"'~
<br />_~"'-contairfedin the statement shall be true, correct, and;: ',.'
<br />compl~te' to the best of the knowledge 'of"the pe"rson' br, ~;.-''''';
<br />persons signing t.he statement. ' Any person who know~ngly "
<br />makes a false statement or knowingly conceals a material
<br />fact in the statement shall be subject to the penalties'
<br />provided by this chapter.
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<br />'Any lease ,agreements required by this chapter, executed;'
<br />by the organization in regard to premises leas~d for the,
<br />conduct of bingo if the organizat~cn has a b~ngo perm~t
<br />and for the operatlon of gambling devices and the conauct
<br />or lotteries if the organization has a gambling devices,
<br />permit. I
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