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<br />18-Focus N~Thurs. Dec. 23.1999 <br /> <br />LEGALS:. <br /> <br />-..: <br /> <br />City of Moun S View <br />ORDINANCE NO. 644 <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 1008 (SIGNS AND BILL- <br />BOARDS) OF THE MOUNDS VIEW <br />MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO <br />BILLBOARDS AS AN INTERIM USE; <br />PLANNING CASE ~P-071-99 <br /> <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1: Section 1008.08 of .the <br />Mounds View Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended with the proposed additions <br />underlined and italicized and deletions <br />st'QIsk Bwt sf;ui :IaI:B~Bgt respectively, to <br />read as follows: : <br />Subd. 1. General Standards; Paragraph <br />1.(1): No groun~ sign (except temporary <br />signs, portable signs or banners) Q[ sign- <br />board sr sUlI/sliIRI shall approa~h at any <br />point nearer than three feet (3') to any <br />building unless such sign is placed paral- <br />lel to the side of the building, nor shall any <br />such .slgn be placed within six feet (6') of <br />the side of any lot nor nearer than fifteen <br />feet (15') to any street line where there Is <br />no established or customary building line <br />nor within twenty five feet (25') of any <br />street.comer right-of-way. Whenever the <br />established or custom!try uniform building <br />line upon the street where such ground <br />sign is to be .erected Is more than fifteen <br />feet (15') from the street or property line <br />then such. sign shall not approach neare~ <br />to the street than the established or cus- <br />tomary uniform building line. <br />Subd. 5. Signs Along Freeways: Except <br />a.s otherwise provided in this Chapter, <br />signs located on property adjacent to any <br />freeway within the Municipality (including <br />Interst~te Highway 35W) shall be busi- <br />ness signs advertising businesses being <br />conducted on the premises on which the <br />'signs are located. No Atravellng@ or <br />changing-message signs shall be located <br />so as to face any freeway or be visible <br />from the freeway. The provisions of this <br />subdivision, however, shall not be con- <br />strued to render illegal or nonconforming <br />any signs that are legally located along <br />any such freeway at the effective date <br />herein. qRf B.:USBS''(/ f.els"r f.QSfl1eft Bf.f1R6 <br />SA)' SH811 f"S91rar at tRB 9ffsBt:\~S Elsts <br />RS~SBf ~.8r RS "eP.'S9stl, sbJiljsst If? eempl: <br />S~S9 n"'t.Ji t~e B,t~9" /l~Sl':B.:SRB 91 t~:B <br />C~.Ie", 9:tRsr :jq l~s s~ms (gsafsrq Sf at <br />BRel~S" (gestfBjq a'SRB 'SRi' SMe~ f~SM'ai', <br />"S8~ IRat SilBR"Rskl (Bsat:sR is <br />(j.sf .p~Bl'eg BY IRS CBUf1B:t <br />Subd. 10. Billboards: A permit shall not <br />be issued for any new billboard fK SIiI'6- <br />tiSiRg .SigR 'searss eff #:19 I1f81Jti88& u<l:ler9 <br />t~s 8B'WFfSfJS p~sEIt:Jst 'B se'f/ if ShlS~ 11:11 <br />SS8Ri1 9r Q:fA ,"'swlrl Be, n'jt~jR tf:1FSS Rb/F: <br />. 1!/:t:grJ fest (3t}(}' efsRJ' gtf,gs" 9f/sf,g BJ"B8a:~ <br />s\ sl!1F1 I/; s'f'ets/;Bs unless it complies <br />WIth the following interim use requirlf1- <br />~ <br />.a:.CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: A.con- <br />dltlonal use oermit (CUP) must be- <br />obtainl?d In accordance the procedures <br />found In Section 1125.01 Subdivision 3 of <br />the ^:f~unds View MU/}ic{pal Code.- Any <br /> <br />. __ in;;;';i!;l;;;;:;;~:::::':;/r:; <br /> <br />leas-; agreement for the billboard expires <br />wh;;;h;v~r d~tB is earlier. Such CUP shaY <br />be -;;;"-~nd-~oid if the apolicant fails to <br />~btai~ any reouired oermit from the State <br /> <br />ofrin~~. <br />. TION'The billboard must be <br />IQ';~ted 1110ng and notth of State Highway <br />1'0 f11Bl . Theaoo/icant must have an <br />a~oroved lease agreement with the orOD- <br />;~ ~wn~r. ThB billboard shall be oriented <br />to~;"ds State Hiphwav 10 (11BI and/or <br />ISSW Billboards must be located at least <br />250 ieet irom residentiallv zoned Drooertv. <br />BUI~ard~ mav be located adiacent to the <br />, rlght-of--;av of a street or highwav. but no <br />p~r;ihe~;~f shall extend over s~h. rialJt- <br /> <br />of-:a'tA,NlMUM SPACING' Billboards must. <br />b;'at least 1000 feet apart. Soacing <br />b;';een signs shall be measured bv oro- <br />j;~ti;;g thenearest ooints of the sipns to <br />the DroDprty line of the right-of-wav from <br />;';;;:;i;h tiiey are intended to be read and <br />measuI:;ng the distance in a stra.ight line <br />b;;;;~n the projected ooints. Reouired <br />;p~'~ina shall aODly onlv to billboards on <br />t';;'Sameside of the same roadwav. <br />d MA)aMUM SIGN AREA: The maxi- <br />m~m g;;;~s surface dlsolay area of the <br />~ig~ c~nriot exceed 700 souare feet Der <br />~i~~ ;;;;;;;i that any rectangular bill~oarck- <br />(nay contain temDorarv extenSIons, <br /> <br />f~~uf~~ O~~f~ ~:~ng which occup.y. a <br />t a, i s of twenty-fivlf1 (25) <br />p~;~;~t'"oi the area of the basic billboard <br />~nd i~rm an integral Dart of the l1esign <br />the~e;;f No such tempora(y extension c~t <br />~-;;i. or t~;; lettering ma.y oroieet more than <br />;j; ;6).'i;;etf"~m.the top eighteen J181 <br />in~h;; frOm either side or fifteen (151 inch- <br />es ;rom the bottom of the basic reetangu- <br />lar advertising message. The area of an <br /> <br />--IlI'/' <br /> <br />extension. cutout. or top letterfngshall be <br />_ dttemed to be the area of the smallest ree- . <br />_c . -'tangle into which such extension. cutout <br />or top lettering will fit. <br /> <br />, e. ORIENTATION OF SIGN FACES: <br />Billboards mav have no more than two (2,1 <br />~ sign faces. Sign faces must be back-to- <br />b4ck with sign faces parallel or angled. All <br />. billboards with their faces back-to-back <br />. and parallel shall have no greater distance <br />than eight (B) feet between the faces. All <br />billboards with faces at an angle shall <br />have no greater angle than thirty-five (35) <br />degrees . <br />f. MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT: The'maxi- <br />mum allowable height of billboards shall <br />be thirtv-five (35) feet. The height shall be <br />measured from the grade at the base of <br />the sign or from the surface of the road- <br />wav whichever is higher ." - <br />g OBSTRUCTION: No billboard may <br />be located in such a manner as to obscure <br />or otherwise interfere with the effective- <br /> <br />~:~fc~f :,nog::~~~: ~~~~fe%i,~' ~:~,I d~~ <br /> <br />ver's view of apDroaching merging. or <br />intersecting traffic. . <br />AnI( billboard legallv existing on the <br />effectIVe date of this ordinance mav con- <br />tinueto be maintained in its present form I <br />and size but not expanded. This does not <br />preclude the periodic change of the mes- <br />sage or advertisement presented on the <br />~ <br />Any billboard qestroyed by an act of <br />God may be rebuilt within thirty .(30) days <br />. if the construction of same would comply <br />with this subdivision. <br />SECTION 2: The title of Section <br />1008.11 of the Mounds View Municipal <br />Code is hereby amended with the pro- <br />posed additions underlined and italicized <br />and deletions s1f!Jsf{ 9~t aRB its~i8i28fi <br />respectively, to read as follows: ' <br />1008.11: i/~"f: o.,cp fi/"-UiiQAAQSI <br />SIGN VARIANCES: . <br />SECTION 3. This Ordinance goes into <br />effect thirty (30) days after its publication <br />in the official City newspaper. . <br />Read by the City Council of the City of <br />Mounds View on this 22nd day of <br />November, 1999. <br />Read and passed by the City Council of <br />the City of Mounds View on this 13th day <br />of December, 1999. <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />Dan Coughlin, Mayor <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />Charles S. Whiting, <br />City Clerk/Administrator <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br /> <br />City Attorney <br />(December 23., 1999) MOllnds View .1 <br />New Brighton, St. Anthony Focus News ' <br /> <br />