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<br /> <br />i <br />1,~~i~~~~;8:;=Y8a~18, ~eFee8, <br /> <br />^,RY fJ8rBE!A, fiR=F1 ere8Ffis'RHieR <br />~FiR~ Sf 1(88f'iRg a 88FF18etie SRi <br /> <br />: pnOPiRT": ^ II fH8~ie88 <br />j"ste iRai"iElwal&, iF1shllEliA!I all <br />latea t~8r88R, freRt-yaree, sias <br />~ <br /> <br />lie8R98. 98818(88: It is ~8reBY <br />[3"a,'U4~U~ 'AwiB8Rseaff8stiRg tAB <br />eafety'8F1"EI "'slfere te hss" Sf <br />18etfe aRiFRal,88 ElefiRea };JeFeiR, <br />'Sf'8Fty '''it~jR, tRB ,r1YRieif3al'itl', <br />~.. . J <br />ilBITED ACTIVITIES: <br /> <br />claus ANIMALS. No owner <br />. allow on his premises. or allow <br />I.anyvicious animal. <br /> <br />ion for violation of this section. <br />. in addition to imposition of sen- <br />he animal control officer to take <br />o custodv and forthwith dispose <br />lne manner. <br /> <br />UEL TV TO ANIMALS. No oer- <br />Jmanely unnecessarily cruelly. <br />leat iniure torment or other- <br />n animal or cause or oermit an <br /> <br />,BILITV FOR PETS. No owner <br />ising due care by adequately <br />. confining an animal shall be <br />der this ordinance for any harm <br />auses to any other animal if <br />lal is at lar!}e and the harmed <br />Itered the area or territory of the <br />egallY restrained or confined <br /> <br />'I~IC OF AtllMAUlI <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />''''4 <br /> <br />(grill 1iQ, 1 a1 ilQ} <br /> <br />Subd. 1 Nuisance Declared: It is hereby <br />declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance <br />affectin!} the oLlblic t.aace "saMty and wel- <br />fare for an owner within the city to keeo or <br />raise any farm animal unless the animal is <br />. currentlv. bein!} keot or raised on the date of <br />the enactment of the ordinance. <br /> <br />Subd 2 Restrictions' It is unlawful fOT a dQ9 <br />owner to keep or raise more than tWQ (2) <br />dogsexceot as allowed under 701 04 (hI <br />"Kennels" It is unlawful to keep or raise a <br />domestic or farm 'animal. if it creates a oublic <br />nuisance and adversely affects the public <br />health and welfare. <br /> <br />Subd. 3 Investigation of Comolainls' It shall <br />be the duty of t~ Community SElIVice 0IIicer <br /> <br />~~~r~:so~~~~:~rfc:~~etc~u~r:~ <br /> <br />ing domestic or farm animals. .After investi- <br />gation. if there apoears to be a violation of <br />this Chapter the invElstigatin!} officer shall <br />issue a citation. <br />;.Q1 QW 7Q1 'Ii <br /> <br />1Q1.Qi' "'IL..g'tllll-". <br /> <br />~w~1;l 1 ~sfiRitieRer ^ 8 wesg iR tRis ~e9tj9R,. <br />t~e fens" lAB .. SFeI~ BREI 18Ff1'18 8101811 !:Ie' '8 tlo18 <br />FRS8F1jFlr;tS ElS8FiB8S Ie 11018'" iR tl:liB 8weeli"i <br />~ <br /> <br />a. PT b. ^ ReI!:: Off tlo1s I3r8~i8s8 8f tlo18 <br />-- <br /> <br />Ie g\A'~liR' '^P!j parseR, iRR eT 98ij3Sli8.tiSFl <br />S"'F1iAg, l:;tarBSFiFlf) ar !(sspiAB B "'Utl 8RiFAB.1 <br /> <br />Iii l.~'Ib.g ^Pllt1^~' ^AY. 8AiFFlEl! er rSfitile <br />\.Jlo1islo1, iR JIB WRSQ~tYr8t1 '"'Uti sr YRtleFFlsstisat <br />89 &te.te,,,Ra6 ~SI3R'.18i8QI 8Eijiaeit; ts 88 i1eR <br />BSTSys.te, _~t:Is e8let) &AS "'BlleFS .af BRY I3sr <br />- <br /> <br />€wss. ~. ReatrietieRs: ~Js grJRer et:aell REUB <br />iF! ~sir pe88e88iBR A'lSF8 ~aR 8Re "'ilet SRi <br />Aile!, ae ~SF8iR tlefjA8t1, at aAY eRS tiFFlS <br /> <br />~Y8a ~ {;sAfiR8FRSRt sf lAGIEI ^ AiFRals' <br /> <br />a f'ls "~'ilEl 8RiFFlal 8t;;}all I;8alls'''S8 ~S its <br />S'.'REH te rl!llR at large. iR tRe ~1wRi8il3ality, <br />'~'1:;t8tRsr Elr Rst t~8 u'i1a aRiA'lal ie alt8Relselliy <br />8 RI::tFFlaR 88iFlg BRei BRall ~8 eSRfiRe8 te a <br />Ba~e sr 8Yi!tljR~ IS8at88 SR tRB 8\iJFlSr'e <br />~ <br /> <br />B. ^ R~' "'i!eI aRiFFle! fSWR8 Fl:tRRiR~ at largs <br />j:Fl8y Iae iI"RFfl88iQtelr 88stF8yeel, ,..itI~SYt Fletis8 <br />te tAe suoRsr, BY sr wRser tt.:ls elif,estisR 9f tl:;ts <br />C'SJJ1FFlWRity gap/ise Qffiee'r ~r a "slies effi8er <br />~f 8ei~ '''jig 8RIFF181 SQRBet BS taileR wJ'. QRB <br />lFFl~8~eI~El. eKts.r~,r8a8~Re.~I~. ~.~~;t BT \.Ji~Bwt <br />8SFl8WB n81( f8 ~8F'ElBRB eHte~f'tIR~ fe iFRf'8l!l1R8 <br />it fOre 1iQ, 1 a1 ilQ) . <br /> <br />701.07: NON-DOMESTIC I WILD ANI- <br />~ <br /> <br />Subd 1. Restrictions: No person shall have <br />.in their oossession any non-domestic or wild <br />animaL <br /> <br />(a) Any non-domestic or wild animal found at <br />lar~e may be immediatelv destroyed without <br />notice to the owner by the li!irection of the <br />Community Service Officer or a oolice officer <br />if the wild animal cannot be captured and <br />Impounded after reasonable effort or wilhout <br />serious r~sk of irliurv to those attempting to <br />Impound It or to others. <br /> <br />~b18a. 1 . TF'Qfl~iAff ~IB 138F'El8R 81:18:11131898 er <br />88t aA): t~J' ~T as"jsB a88j~Fleel te hill 8r88~ <br />tHre '.'lla 8:RIFRaI8 H138R I3Tivatel'j'. 8 "Reg sr <br />~wBlje laRae ,'.'itRiR tJ:;)'8 ~i~' iR "jelatieR sf any <br />!a''', sTaiR8R8s sr F'=IIB fJe~aiRiR~ t~ tF88pQ88 <br />IRft. ~Je ~8F'eeA et.:lall sRgaS13 iR'tFal'l=1iAg,8A <br />~wBliely eU'ReEf laRete '''itt.:liR tl:;}e ('iv' witl:lawt <br />13888,e88fR~ a' 'lilig 138Hilit.. J <br /> <br />Q. A f'8rFRit FRay. 88, i88wea ~} t~8 City. <br />~8WReil t8 BAY BI3I3Ii89.Rt "JRe gaR .8atief&9tsA <br />!y geFfleR8t~8 tR8 f9JIB'iR~r <br /> <br />(1) I A.ppIiSElFlt 138888S898 El '.~Ii~l ~t9t8 tAir; <br />,-,~;jlIiA~"I'Rill.rISnHl. I. ~ <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />Read and adoptel;! by the City Council of the <br />City of Mounds View on this 22nd day of <br />April,2002. <br />Adopted this 22nd day of April, 2002. <br />Richard Santerre, Ma,YQr <br />AttElst: <br />Kathleen'Miller, City Administrator <br />SEAL <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Scott Riggs" City Attorney <br />Motion: Marty. <br />Second: Thomas <br />Santerre: Aye <br />Sligney: Aye <br />. Quick: Aye <br />Marty: Aye <br />Thomas:Aye <br />(May 2, 2002)Moundsview Focus <br />Ord 696 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />