<br />. ">;"--"^"""""'~
<br />
<br />
<br />Th,! Vii lag" [,'unci I of tho, Vi Ilc.gl.' of Mounds V'it!w dOl'S hcr,!byordain:.
<br />
<br />
<br />use" It shull be tlw purpc.Hw'uf this ordin1.ncc to es~'ablish'l1 unifl'rm :
<br />....,.il.nd "qultabh'.sy~tcUl'llf Ix!rsunn(d'~.1.drlljni!l,ltrat1nn for' I!mp-loycl!s.::of tht!,Village,:.c'; ".
<br />.... "-of"~1llunds Vil~W." 'T.his ordinHn-c.! muy. ht.~.. rt!ff~.rr('d' io as :.tht.l: tlper.~.~~~nf.-~..1...9r.djranG~.~.~~..;'"
<br />....;........,.:......"...,... . - ". '," .. .. ....
<br />.,.,,:...... ::--.' .. . "" .... .. .. .....
<br />
<br />:.;:::-;::<:.;,;:f:j'cope. of Old'! nJh"Cl~:': '::l:h'::"l~';;' sri'i;-li,;l\~rd i nan cl~"slull-les ta b 1 ish .th(;:.emp, l.qymcnt
<br />"<re:ltlt ionsh i pc'f;a nv lllage 'e;;IilIHoyees l~XC('pt' thilio llowi ng: " ....
<br />......:....,:...,.:"...,_.~. (1).n All clt!cfed. o'fficJ...l~.l~:'...a!1d.members of'~<boords anq .cp~uii.~..~..~.i"()n~~.
<br />"( 2) Employe.~sof.th,.:_ V" lunt..,er FIre Deparlment. .
<br />(:I) Vi llaw~ ~\dml'l~i:;trat\Jr;. Vi llilge Enginl!'~r; Vi lllll~" At t"l-h"y.
<br />(4) T.:.m;::orary \~mp InYI!!''; hi l'.'d I>y t hf~ day ttl '''"ck tl' pl,rfllrm unskilled "r
<br />semi-skilled wurk.
<br />(5) Consultants and :ottH'I;s..:~.'r'd~ring t8mpurary professiunaL services.
<br />(01. Volunt'!erpersonnel.:and':I:>,(~rsonnL:l appo~ntl'd Lll..serve withnut~:pay.
<br />
<br />
<br />-;'..'.
<br />
<br />Dl:!finition's~'(T')""Regular full. tilll~>-!mployp.(!" means one who. has suc'c,,!ss~ully'--
<br />
<br />. ~~~r~~}:~6~ h:'t t:i~~~~.e,~l?h'~~: i ;:~ r~~ ~~ ~ :()d.,. a,!,~,.:~ho..,~s\~I.nP l?~~d :....~n:a.;-,::.~
<br />
<br />.( 2) '. ,'''Regular:;pa.rt-time emp.loyee"mearis one whohassucces.sfJ,Hly: ~omplete'd.
<br />the required probationary iieriod and is't!mployedona"scheduleofles:s,'
<br />than 4O)lours per week. "'V". . ; '.. ..N
<br />.' (3) "Pn1bat lonary' employee" means one who has been assigned' to a full-time
<br />ol>rart-time positit>!1 but who has not completed the probationary period.
<br />(4) "T~mporary employee" means one ,,,h(l has been appointf'd for full-t ime or
<br />par:t-time work on a U~mpor<lrv bc'l.sis for a pl~r.iod not to. exceed six months.
<br />(5) "Benefits" mea;)s vacations, paid holidays, and any qther benefits as
<br />approved by t hI! Vi llage Counci 1.
<br />(6) "Fi;seal Yl;ar" is the p,~riud .JallU<HY 1 to December 31 inclusive.
<br />(7) "Erriployele" m'~ilns Dilly all employ"" ~ubjl'ct to thl' terllls of this ordinance.
<br />unless th~ co~text in which thp word appears rcquir~sa different meaning.
<br />(8) Appointingau~hority. shatt me.':1l th(! Village Cuun<;il or their representative.. '.:-.,
<br />(9) Worki~A>;.~~rnl."ans::th,-, usuu l~, number of haul'S anemp~tjyee. wot:ks'p~r. day.
<br />
<br />
<br />A pp 1 i ea t i 011 tl;"jp'~)' Ii celni~ n ~ Th,'" .pe ~~s ulme lord i MIlC,l>> i 1<.1 11 not be a pp lica hie to
<br />policemen l1r officers of the Pol jel' D\'l'artm.~nt.
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />.:"=~'::"'-""~"':.;.':"-:'~!.: ~,':::.~~~::'::":~{....
<br />..... --....,. ... .....
<br />
<br />
<br />.: ~::~ :~m~::.:;~~!~;;:St?;:~~~r~;" i :~;~~ a r~; h:~t l;~ Aula '"7";'1'"'"\''"" t ~'tj
<br />
<br />. ~'_. .. '.::- ...:. ..... ,. . '.,. ... . . .
<br />AppointmerifPrifc~dur~."Ari4pi~o'intments ill thl!'municip<~l stlrviceshall &, . made'
<br />according to 'rile'ritand,;,f ilill''sS. ..;' '. .'
<br />{l) By ExariJinatioll, Whi.:ll r<:Cjui r.,d b:,.' I.<\w or by th(l appointing d'uthority
<br />mfH-jt and ~itm!ss may 1:'1" ,':"'~"rtfljnr-~d b;.' writtlm. oral. or othl~r
<br />examinations and shall nolale to thOSl' rr.atters which will test fairly
<br />the capacity Ilnd fitn~,js .If th..' candidate to discharge efficiently
<br />tht:!'duticR of th.; ~oc;iLi(;1i [or \Vhich such l'>Ulm~natilJns are 'held.
<br />(2) With\)ut LXillliill,ltiori. I.;; C;.!;C of ~ppoj!!t!!!..nt 10 pnsitions fur which
<br />ex !linations ar" not r"'4uired, th.~ appullililig authority may appuint
<br /><lny! person who appears to ,""f:l the r.'quirt~m,--,nts lis::.~d in thl! Cl/l.";:,
<br />spc'ciU':u\.i(lIlS ilnd \'JholTl th,. llppointinl.! authllrity d(!ems quallfit.:!d
<br />toper.:f{:;rri(~h,/ dut ies, oCth" pos it ion. .:
<br />( 3) Rtll~.t}:~~Il?l:I.j,p"::;f~_Q~)lyrVillagc. Personntdand~csidencc.>;Whenevcr:::;.:,:
<br />..,. pos:sj~b'l-c~;':'a:iid.'w.nh dueri'gardfor mer it!: llnd.fltness.; theap'pointing
<br />.aut h!=i'r.:!t:Y:J;ha l1ay.oid:'.~ hc'a;>po i ntmt'n t of c,!ny person. when' ~uch: person _
<br />__. is r;d!i'.~~dto;any.'e'l~:etl'd'llr appointed offic.,r or employee of. ~ho Vill~ge.,
<br />'\PlJOiilJi;;Lr;/:'(I;:';;,...:.:;~h g';II11'."nts,.,fp,:r~fl~~" r., I,,! "dto ilO..... (;li~ct,.:d or nppolnted
<br />off i o::,;::!i::7i.ii~:~~(jlrip lciy (':'i.":i 11 t h,--: ~;;\IIJt' d" pi! r t "Il~n tis pruh f b it I'd.
<br />
<br />
<br />;. :'..i .
<br />
<br />