<br />"""'~
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<br />- 2--
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<br />l'hvl'ical ~:xdmlnatillll. Uiilu;:; oth~'r.,.,is!' e)tl'IDptcd by the appointing aut'hority
<br />all applicants for municival SOrViCl! shall ~~dergll a physicall~xlllnirU\l1'on w!lich
<br />.sha II be cll~ductcd by a physician se lected by th:~ Village CouncJ 1... ,^ 11 COSlS. ...
<br />of the t~xarnlmltiollS shall be bOrIW by the Village. .. '. 'u_'::
<br />
<br />". _:::.:.. .':_. ..;". '~::':. .... "... .. ." .. _.. "'. u."..m .",' _ ... . .
<br />.". .
<br />
<br />
<br />.... -_.. '" .
<br />. ..._;.,t~.)_bi\tic:..nary Period.; (1) ... PUrpOSl!. Thl~ul'r(lbational"yyel"ioJ sllaili)':;'rl~grird~~
<br />:'::~~ :,,";'- ..; -'<us';'lin inl ,,'goll "Plut"of' thl:: : exam j nation proc'ess and 'shllll :be ':iJt fUzed:
<br />for- c:losel~.': oiiservirigthcemploye,:i's' wurk, f\;rsccuri!lg 'tho :iniist .
<br />t!f [ecti viiadj ustinl!nt: bflhl!(~rnploYt'e: to his posit ion ,and for' re j ecli'tlg";:,'
<br />"any ernp'fQ~cewh()se performance does. m:it meet t hl' r<~ytlir,:d ..aI-.k s tLlndards..:-;.: ,-
<br />(2 f.Dumt 1'00].. All ort'gf.nalandpromofhma:lappciintmen'tsshaH' t>e'pioba,tfonary::::' ""
<br />:a nd subJ.ect to a probat ilJne.ry' perie;,j of. s 1.x( 6) months$ervic~ aftcI-"'-'<:;_:'~:'-::";~;;_/'\
<br />i.1 ppoi ntmt.n t. At any t lme during t h~ or i g i/lalprob.-~ tiona ry per i. ,-,dD.ll' '.. ."
<br />emplnyf'f~ may be transferred or dismissed. ;,t l1ny time during the
<br />l'l"omoq(lnal probatiollary period an employ(!e may bl!placed in the
<br />":'.t>(is i. tIOri: he.. uccup ~t:,P'::' prC\'l0u5 t n promotion. ..
<br />C:n:PI~rformance ~eports~~:'::At the end of first three (3)nionLhsbf.:the
<br />'. prn ba t ibn<1l"Y period, the cIn\llt1yee! s supe rv: sor shall. :su bm i t <1 wr-i t tc..n .
<br />'~("purtL() thl' appointing authoril~i on his ob~wrvatio/l of the .employee's
<br />.>,,\";'lrl\ and his judgment as ti) th,' .~mplov~e's willingness und ability to
<br />. perform his duties'satisfaCtorily. '.' . .......... ".' '.'
<br />'.'" . ....:;(:~)i;~~:Ho\.{,.Go,mpJ,~t,eq.H.-,At~Je~stten (10) days pr iorto thc,expirclt,ionof an> .' .
<br />'."" ... ernployecilsprobl.iti6~a'r'y"per iod, "the l~inF'loy'ee is'. "supe'rvl'so't "'8M liFina:ke>:::i';"::c:>'}~"}!::~:;6:;)
<br />"':;11 writ.tenreporLt() .the:::appointing~uthority reconllllend-ingt.h~ ernployee- '.- '.-'. ;';;'
<br />....be retained, dfsmissed,- or placed inhisprev-iouS'posit'ion.."" -;8'?:~:':>:~I;~:iE;t:i
<br />"'. .... .",": (.5).: ~ $ick.. Le~ve and Othe~.: .~ene~its Duri.ng 'Probation. 9urfng ~hc' ..initia~.~. ~_ "-~'..;;<~
<br />probatiunary pt!riod, but not during a promotionaL probatioriary period,'
<br />un employee will not be paid for any absence from ~ork with the
<br />i'xccption of legal paid holida.ys. After six (6) months of service. .
<br />an pmployee wi.11 be entitled tu sick leave !lnd vacation Ipave to be
<br />accI'ued fl'om the start oi ~,robation<1ry employment. Group hl.:alth and
<br />w~lfar,' b~~efits shall start th~ first day of the month following
<br />appointnll~nt; however, any \-Uliting.periods shall be according to the
<br />lerms (If th(. group health policy.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />e
<br />
<br />. .
<br />" . .
<br />Prc,ii1r.ti~ns._.<1t is' the poli~y-af the Village to' fill vacancies;.n municipal,,,
<br />.... 'servic<by prOntl'lilJilOf: r,.:g'~la.r; Village' cmployees;....hen possible. dIn ca~e of..
<br />'equal quali:::'l'c;Ai"ions"cohsideratibn will be given t')'.th(! len~thof~efvic(,. ,.
<br />
<br />
<br />i'.
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