<br />.. . '. ".'".''-''",'" '. :'''':i''':'':::''''"'~:'';':''~~~~.
<br />
<br />
<br />- 2 - :;:jl
<br />
<br />The CUb1c content shall be determined as provided in Section .3b above! :j
<br />In no caSe shall this permit fee be less than seven dollars and fHty'ccnts($7.50). ".'_:.;~,'
<br />This permit fee is for s(mp.r~l construction only and docs not cover ,other work for,,~'rl
<br />
<br />
<br />. d. Shed., Shelter., Qlr.ge., and Miscellaneou. Enclosure Structures ._. . --. ----..-~
<br />_ . __~hl ch pe:::: :::s. :::yP::~:::d .::::: ~, private garages. open .he Iter .heds. arid .--:":":~':""':"'~":'~'~"~"":;i.'.
<br />
<br />_ misct:llaneous enclosurl! structures ( such asct'ane runway ~nclosurqs)undad4it.ion~': ". ,._. . .
<br />:'::..: th€i:'eto. ..the pel'miL fee chargl~::dll1n .he 11.tthe rate. of oned()llar~nd twenty-five,. ........ ;c.}.~.'~
<br />..{.;,......,.cents ($1.25) . per thousand J l,.oOO) .cubic feet or fract ion,thereof'fc,>r. the first. c, ..
<br />. _,'four hundred thous~nd (400~.OOO). c.ubtc feet, plus sllventy-five cents, ($O~ 75') per ";y."/;.:-:r~l~
<br />:_ 'thcus..lnd (1. ,COP) cubic fetlt or fl-dCt!ull Lllt:reof for the next six hundred thousand ... ,,,;,,":"~-;:Zii~
<br />'- (600,000) cubic feet, plus:twerity~five ($0.25) cents per thouli~,~d,( 1',000) cubi,~;:C(::-';:"i;i;,~,:::'H{~
<br />feet or f('Bction thereoffot'-each'lfdditional thousand (l,OOOr":'cubic.feet'or ftaction"~<"~~T~;;f.
<br />thereof contained in said she'd, ~hcltcr or miscellaneous enclosure structures or. <9
<br />addition thereto. ..~;;;
<br />
<br />'.~
<br />
<br />The cubic conLent 'shall bc detcrmined as provided in' Section 3b above.
<br />In no case SM 11 this permit fee be less than seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50).
<br />
<br />. ;:'.
<br />t3
<br />
<br />f,.-~
<br />",'
<br />
<br />. ~ '";
<br />'.;..::~
<br />c. Foot :i.ngs and Foundat ion's" ":'.-": "'".
<br />Where' permilsfor>footirigs.and foundat ions are granted the: permit fee\;.. ..:':.)JI
<br />
<br />., . ~~:~:i~:a ~~ ~~e a ~n~:;'d;.~m~~~,at;e_:as . proVide~:7~:~.:n,e~.bui,lU,i:~__g,f::;,i~0.;.~~~1,,~ ing~;..;~~v:,';':.:}'::':W:.i;}:;,i~l
<br />a point s~~e (~~b~~c~~~t:~~v:h~~~ ~~/~~e~~;n~=o~~~I; ~~:e~orh~\~:~d;~~~~a~;~~, w:~~ to ......':.....:..:.:..:...',....,...r..:'~.,:i:
<br />
<br />where no footing is requiTed, to a point six (6) inches abo'ye the bottom of the. ,;;
<br />
<br />
<br />found:~ 10;~;;;~~t ~:: =~~4~~;di;' for sriy Plrit. or a.es from whi<hthe fi111..Ve~"~"fi~i
<br />
<br />the site, the permit fee charge shall be inade at the rateo'f seven dollars and fifty '. ":;:J
<br />cents ($7.50) for the first thousand (1,000) square feet or fraction therecf, plus" '. I~,:
<br />. . ". r.~
<br />two dollars ($2.00) for eq.ch additional thousand (1,000) square fee:t or fraction.,.~
<br />thereof. Where the excavating or grading is used in connection with a permit for,'?;,
<br />.. a building or 'structure, the permit fee for the buildi,ng shall., :f.nc.~1)d~ t.he :p~rmlt.;~.~ ....~:..\:.~:i~:~:-..:,~;)....:;l:~~
<br />
<br />
<br />.O~:~':~~~:~;~:~~f;;~~~jl;;~~;!ii~~;;;:;~;;;;~;t;;;;;;;~;1t;1;:;;ii~~;:r~~II~
<br />
<br />
<br />(1,000) square feE:t or fraction thereof, plus twn df)ll~H.~ ($2.00) for each '.nf:
<br />additional thousand (1,001!>) square feel or fraction thercof.';:if
<br />
<br />:e"
<br />-'
<br />
<br />h. Retaining Wc:'\ lls
<br />For retain ing wa 11 the pc'rmit fee chargtl sha 11 be made at ,the rate of one
<br />dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for el\ch hundred (100) cubic feet or fraction thereof
<br />contained in said retaii1ing \o..all including the footing. In no case shall this permit ."
<br />he less Lhan six dollars (..~b.OO), . _ ;:,q:i~~
<br />
<br />i. A ~ tc!'e.tions and R~b~a:i.t's' ~and'~St ruct.ures for which Perini t F~esfor. 'Genera !::'::~:'if",3:
<br />
<br />. .... for the:~::.~~~~~:~~:r::e~~!;~t!;11~;~;~:~~!~~.~ht~!;~'i~~J;~:i~!i~!i;Li~L'~c-~,l;~{fg~
<br />
<br />at the permit:feccannot bC.-,~JJH}q.:_qW.., pf~rmit fee charge shal Lbe made, at the rate .,'
<br />
<br />/:?,
<br />
<br />.,"";
<br />
<br />'. .....,.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />'i.'
<br />
<br />
<br />.
<br />