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<br />.. <br /> <br />.:"/.;':';K~ <br /> <br />- 3 - <br /> <br /> <br />. ... ., . ...... .,. ..,... --'...'..".. ."'--. .... '.". .. --' .,:".. "';":..:~'--.;:'::,: <br />..j. "Reshinglirigand Recovc.r{Di('of::Roofs '. . --'..' .......'..,',..,. ":,,-,.,:,,,, <br />'. For rcshlngling .:lnd. recl'verj,jf~ of,roofs:of.a'ny _existing buila~l1g or st.ructure~':_:_:~ <br />or' part. thereof . except formetal,decklng or.metaLroofing, the permit' fee charge '. '::,: ',".'",', <br />shall be made at the'i"aleof si-XdollarS'($6.06)':::f.~rt1ie:f{rst~thousand.(G660Y:scj~a;:e::/::::~~: <br />feet or fract inn thereof , plus two dr,lla rs( $2 .00) for each ~dd'.i doria 1 thous.'ind"(T;OOOl('~' <br />square feet or traction thereuf lu he reshinglcd or recovered. . <br /> <br />.ro.;.: <br /> <br />k. Rl:siui,,~ <br />For resil~ing of any building or structUloe or part thereof, the permit fee <br />charge shall be made at the rute of six dollars ('$6.CO) for the first thousand (1.000) <br />square feet or fraction thereof. plus two dollars ($2.00) for each additional thousand. <br />(1.000) sqlVlre feel or fraction thereof .to be resided. <br /> <br />. " ." "l."'.Stucco WOrK . . <br />. .......y..'. ,-::_.;:;.v::::".;.:.: :.._ .... <br />For installing .stucco the permit 'fee charge ~h'iii"be;-'~a'de at:'t:he"'i~t~'"'Q.f'A'i:';{;'+~':::A. <br />six dollars ($6.00) for the.,first ,thousand (1,000) sq~'\rc yards or fraction ther,~of,- <br />plus four dollars ($4.00) for each additional thousand (1.000) square yarasoI" fraCtion /." . <br />thereof. <br /> <br />m. Platforms and Seating "'- <br />. For the erection nf any temporary platforms or. seating in any assembly or , - <br />. en air public assembly, the permit sh,nE ce made:,atthe.rate ,0ffifteel1' .-.' <br />- llar5 ($l5.00) per unit.., .... -,.-.-......... ....- <br /> <br /> <br />n. Fences <br />For the erection of <br />five dollars ($5.00) for the <br />..... plus t".~odollars ($2.00) for <br />thereof of suchfericc. . <br /> <br />j: <br />fences, th<l pernllt! fce charge shall be at the rate of <br />first hundred (100) lineal feet or fraction thereof.. <br />each additional hundred -( 100) lin~al f.~etorfraction <br />'. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />": ..~..;.... <br /> <br />_......;~~. .. . <br />. :, :: .. ,_.': :'.~ <br /> <br />o.;';';rer.k!ng-ofBuildings or Structures, _., ...',.' <br />. For tt~aring down and wrecking of any bui Iding ';::3t:r;;ct\iie'of~;'part thereoft ,- <br />the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of s0.venty-fi ve cents ($0.75) per ,; .' . <br />thousand ll,OOO) cubic feet or fraction l;lCr~of contaillcd in'3aid building structure <br />or part thereof. <br /> <br />The r.ubic contt~nt sha 11 be detennineo thc same ..1S in a New Bui lding above. <br />1., n,) case :ihall the permit fce be less Lhdn ,.-;"veil dollars ..lnd fifty cents ($7.50). <br /> <br />p. Raising and Shoring of Buildings or Structures or Hoving of Buildings or <br />:;~ructul.(!5 Ull the .Snme L()t <br />Fnr raising or ~hnring any buildi~ ot structure. or moving of a building <br />or structurl' on the same lot. the permit fee charge shall be made s.t, the rate. of <br />SC''!!!!'1 dollllrs:\nd fifty cents ($7.;;0) for each five hundrecldoUars($SOO.OO) . <br />(Ir fraction therL'ufOf such ruisin~, shoring or moving on-thl' samc.lot. . <br /> <br /> <br />.. ...... <br />.:.,. ." <br />q.' Mov i ng of Bu i Id i Il,l!,S . orSL ruct ur':;s' . . "" ';.':<.... "';"::0;, . <br />,Fnr moving buildings 0,' slructuresfrolll ,mt'.locill.inn .toanother <br />.str""l:~ "f llll' VilLq;" of ~loUlrl~ Vi.'w, thl' p,'r;lIIil . it,.' chill"g<l shall be at' <br />f()ll:'.wllll.~ rates: ! <br />,. <br />I. <br /> <br />~. . - :r" <br /> <br /> <br />