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<br />
<br />Buildings or structures larger than twelve (12) feet high, fourteen (14)
<br />. feet wide and twenty-five (25) feet long other than private single or double garages
<br />and sheds which arc normaLLy considered as necessary buildings to a dwelling, sixty
<br />:"-:'". _.:.-:~..dollar.s ($6<).00) per huild~~.Jt.moved. _' ., .:. - . . .-
<br />
<br />
<br />..>~:~>.,:';' . P'r~v~te;gl1iages .l\n~::shedslargcr in size than twclvn.( l2>...fcet ..h-igh,. ;'c:"" . . "...:,.:'
<br />_..J >><_fourleen (1..) feet wide and .tv'nty-five(2S) feet long. which are normnlly..considered'. ,.. .;;
<br />. .>?':<':~'~ build.ing acccssorY',toa~.dwelHng.twenty-fi ve doUars. ( $25.00) .per build.i,n~ or' .-.- :. "".::" -,~~l
<br />',.:-;::,::structure,moved..P .....:.,.:".; .. ..... ....... ......:,:.:..,;,\i':\.,d
<br />
<br />
<br />>feethigh~~~~~::~ ~f~~~;~:~~~m~~~;\~:nC~~r~: ~~: !~::~n!~h:~~n~~rJ;:,;~;2!"~;~i!:~\!~
<br />
<br />($10.00) per building or':structuremuved. -"-'"
<br />
<br />r. t>loving Buildings ,or . Structures Froill One Location to Another on Private. . ,.
<br />Property Without :No"ing Over Streets and AUcyspf.the Village of Mo'uilds'View.'.,'
<br />. For buildings. structiJres~ garages. shelter or shedsla.r..gerinsize than
<br />twelve (12) feet high. fourteen (14) feet wide. and twenty-five (-25) :feet ,10n'8' moved'"
<br />from Ont! location to another on private property without moving over Village streets .....
<br />2! all~ys. the peL'mit fee charge s11'111 be at the ratL' of twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
<br />_> per bu ilqing or s t ructu~e.::iilqyed. . . - .
<br />. ",..' . .", . .". '.1 ..... :~_~;'r:7:~:~,"><J;;\;~~;~;,,~:;,;~...:\.~:J;>.~.y:.;(.::. :;;~r.:.~~ '..' :.,........ ,..... .',','.'~ ,. ....
<br />. . ..: ~.' ......~. ~.; .:.~.. ....:.......,..,.i ;;:.:;
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
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<br />. c.. . . :.~,-. . ".; :-' :"."'" ~:".' :,..,.' ..,."". .;" ".-,' . ,"-. - ....
<br />4.'Uevators ,"DUmbwa'ifeisa:nd Moving Stairways
<br />
<br />",:-,~ .
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />!
<br />
<br />8. Power Driven Passenger and Freight Elevat,>rs
<br />For the installation of new power driven passenger and freight elevators:
<br />the permit fee charge shall be made at the rate of forty dollars ($40.00> for each
<br />installation plus two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each story traversed by
<br />slJch elevator.
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />b. Hand Powered Freight Elevators
<br />For the installation of hand powered freight elevators the p~rmit fee
<br />shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) plu~ two dollars and fifty cenL~ ($2.50)
<br />each st,ory traversed by SUdl elevator.
<br />
<br />charge
<br />J:__
<br />.&.U..
<br />
<br />,.'
<br />
<br />...
<br />. .......,:...
<br />- '. .~
<br />c .'--Sidewa lk Llft-":;;';.rid'Doc.k,~.LifL," . ..' .,.. :,,'" .'
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<br />sha!! be~~e t;~ . ;b:~,;H;t.Se'~1~~n~y:~~~: ~~l:~;~ '($~S ~~~~'~:;~i~~a~~~~i~::~!~,tittg~;t'i'iji
<br />. .. d.': ~~l;~:'l~:i::-:tJ~!':lf~:'r"of a manlif~' the 'permitfee charge; ShalLb~"~a~~~~l'hh~:;'>::: .
<br />
<br />rate oftwellty-fiVe dollars < $25.(0) per instal;ation. -'. ',:,,' .,'
<br />. ,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />e. Moving Stairway
<br />For thn in; ta'llat ion of moving stairways the permit fee charge shall be
<br />unde at.the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) p0.l" unit.
<br />
<br />f. Dumbwa i t(, p;
<br />
<br />
<br />. .: . ~ '.' "
<br />
<br />( 1!':"~~~~~h~;i~~2~'li~'ii~-n ,of:"!\ pm"er -.dri v('n' dl.imhwaiter theperml~- 'fee... ,-
<br />charge shalli.:bc;.nad~.;'atf.the'.r3t~0"f t.w_enty dollars ($20'.00) plus two' dolla'rs.~.~:;rj".:~~" ."'
<br />.( $2 ~OO) ':for 6.#~;hS~~iury,~,b'1\1~T,sed::,~ysuch dUrn~w~ it~r.~ .. >>:':;~">;,"';,":;f:~,;,:'.'i.;}'.:.~~;<~.:,.<.;~i;'i'ii:;"';:':~
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<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />