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SECTION 1. Chapter 405 of the Gity of .City Counci{, advise Ciry staff to'ttpert;fe• <br />Mounds View: Muntpipal:Code is hereby ~ program of public recreatton <br />amended with the .proposed adpns playgrounds upon property wtech `ts <br />underNned and the pproposed }vwnetl or otherwiSS meth f~raN~is to the <br />stru <br />k <br />t <br />t <br />d <br />f <br />~ <br />c <br />ou <br />, <br />o rea <br />ollows: <br />as Municipality &sr" euch puWio recreation <br />CHAPTER d05 purpose: <br />PARKS AND REGREATIOtY A,~ND Subd: 2. ,Lease and loci o <br />FORESTRY CQMMISSION <br />i Property:. <br />$ee Chapter 905.of" this Code for a. Recommend.. to th <br />ra the <br />park, playgrounds and recreation. _ <br />easing or acquis(tion of <br />SECTION: <br />~ property fbr public rec as ft <br />" <br />405:01: Commission Established; deems desirable but shag twt hays tlu! <br />~+~~ authority to acquire lend or Construct' <br />405.02: Membership; Oath; buildings in its own name.Anyequipmertt <br />Compensation or recreational facilities shaft is®IOrrQ &r <br />405.03: Terms and Vacancies the Municipality. <br />405.04: Conflicts of interest b. Advise the Council of leasing reef or' <br />405.05: Removal from Office personal •property or, both for public <br />405.06: Organization and Meetings recreation use for peruods of not longer <br />405a~yi Powers and Duties than one (1) year. ' <br />405:.08: t3udget and Finances <br />40$ <br />09: Rules and Re <br />ulations Subd:. 3. Maintenance and Care of <br />P <br />bli <br />, <br />g u <br />c Recreation Property: AAairuain and <br />405.01:1GOMMISSION ESTABLISHED;. care foratiproperty which it has captured <br /> <br />PURPOSE:. There is hereby established , <br />er-ap~which tie's been assigrwed 6p a for <br />a Parks and Recreation and Forestry pubNc recreationpurpa;es. <br />Commission for the purpose of advising Subd. 4: Inventories of-Serves Make <br />the Council on the operation of public periodic inventories of recveatlol`+ and <br />recreation, parks, and playgrounds,: . park services which exist or ~y be,' <br />.pursuant to the authority trf this Chapter. needed and to imerpretthe neads,of the <br />The Parka and Recreation ~Id Forestry public to the Council. <br />Commission is referred. to herein as "the Subd. , 5, Cooperation with Other <br />' <br />Commtsstori". {1988 Code §34.01}::- . <br />Agencies: Cooperate with other park artd <br />405:02: MEMBERSHIP; OATH; 'recreation departments, •schools and <br />COMPENSATION: private agencies for estatflisftmeM Of s <br />Subd. 1. Appointment of Members: The <br />' joint powers agreement to pnrride packs <br />Commission <br />shelf oonsist of even ,(7) and recreation .services to the Ctty <br />members; appointed by the Mayor with residents.' <br />the approval of the majority of the Subd. 6. Policies and Functions `of <br />Council. Residents of Mounds Vi w t)epartment: Interpret the.. poi~ies and <br />interested: in aervina on the Commission functions of the Park and Recreation <br />•It out a =anrilication. The Mayor, Department to the puW{C. <br />with approval of the City, founcii, shall <br />person fit <br />a Chai <br />th2 fltsY <br />u <br />1~ <br />ar Subd.7. Cat)ital Improvement Pjarrs <br />i <br />Ad <br />" <br />)t <br />' <br />d <br />`" <br />r <br />; <br />~~~g~ <br />i <br />~ <br />meijCr'i}I of ~t'he Council ih Januaty. (1988 <br />` v <br />Hp <br />§e~.s, <br />se <br />t B~ ~ <br />, i <br />f ~ <br />; <br />' aclrhfnistretor In, tit& ~rp~a "i~ <br />Code ~34,b2; bri). 627, <br />Z•8 B9 (A`d;~0~ annual budget and tang ,r9t~' <br />i-25-03) ~itt~lroveirieri# programs. <br />Subd.2:Oath of Office: Every appointed Subd: 8. Rules and Regina <br />member sha{I, ,before entering upon the Formulate and prescribe 'reason <br />' <br />~ discharge of ,their duties, take, an oath , <br />rules. and regulations for the use of tfre <br />that they wiN faithfuf{y discharge the. general public of any faciGfies in any petit <br />duties of their atfioe. (i988 Code §39:03) area: <br />Subd. 3. Compensation: Members of the Subd. 9: Construction of Improvements: <br />Commission shah serve without Advise the Council on IDeitlteioitiff;.lltld <br />a•~nsatign: (1988 Code $34A4) constructing roadways; padts, buNdinge, <br />4(><i.03: TERMS ANtl VACAtiC1ES: fountains, docks, boat houses, , <br />Subd: 1: Terms: Members of the` houses, refreshment booths, alrwsstNsMAY <br />Commission shah serve three (3} year heNs tso munify,•, enter, pavilions aria) <br />staggered terms, with terms expiring other .necessary structures and. <br />December 31 of .each yeas in .order to improvements in perks. The Commission <br />establish appropriate staggering of terms may advise the Council art matking <br />for the 't~mmi5sion memtters, appoint- contracts and leases for the Construction <br />mertts to a term of Jess than three (3) and operation of these facilities for fstfiS <br />years are permissibie, Both original and not exceeding ten (1t)) years.. Every sudt <br />successive appointees. shall hold their contract and lease shat) provide that the <br />offices until their successors are structure shall be :operated for ttrs public <br />~ appointed and qualified. (Ord. 456, 2-27- use and comrenience, and that the, <br />89; Ord. 646;1-10-00) Charges shall be reasonable, antl (t shall <br />Subd. 2. Vacancies: VaCancfeS during reserve to the Commission power let <br />-the term Shall be filled by the Mayor with , prescribe reasonable rules and <br />the approval of the majority of the Council regulations; from time to time; for the ' <br />for the unexpired portion of the term. conduct of the privilege. <br />(1988 Code §34.03) Subd. 10. CornmuniCation: Communi- <br />405.04;"tleiEsTS ~ tNTGREST: cafe regularly with the City Council and <br />No member shad be personalty Planning and Zoning Cammisstort <br />interested in any 'contracts in which. the through joint meetings and.. meeting <br />Commission may enter. (1988 Code minutBS. <br />i$34.03} Subd. 19:'Athtetic Awareness: 8e r@• <br />405.05: REMOVAL FRpM flFFIGE: <br />' of the role and services providrldf b7 <br />Subd. t, Removal.fpr <br />Just Cause: An <br />' athlBttG, organizations within they <br />apFrointed <br />rttert>ber of the .Commission :coMmunfty. <br />may be removed from off~e for just"cause Subd. 12. BarSfation and Reforestation <br />and on written charges•by:at feast tout ' Programs: Advise the Ciry' Council. <br />.fifths (4!S} of the erttirs City GourrCil. $urtr :regarding ..sanitation and reforestation : <br />member may+t)e entitpsd to a public prograrttr~tftintheClry. <br />hearing before such vote ~ taken. Subd. i3. Other °t)uties: Do whatewt-r <br />Sutd. 2. Removal for NoriaKendence: )n <br />' additi <br />an a <br />pt <br />rat <br />d <br />b <br />~ <br />$ other acts are reasonable, aAd ' <br />ro <br />on, <br />p <br />~ <br />e <br />mem <br />er may <br />e p <br />per to carry out its prescdtsed ere <br />removed •by the ,City -CW-acil for and functions asset forth herein. (t9t~ <br />nonattendance; at :Parks and Recreation Gode §34A9) <br />Commission :meetings if a Corrkrrissi6n 405.06: BUDGET AND" FR3AfttCEB: •. <br />member does ;net attend (9) nine Subd. i, Annual Presentattiop .Qf <br />regularly scheduled meetings per year. - Proposed Budget:'. The Commission, <br />Subd. 3. Vacancies FAled: tt shall be the through :tile City" Parks and Recreation <br />duty of the Chairman of the Commission Division. eperttweRt staff, should present,.. <br />to notary the Ciry CounCtl promptly of any no later than August 1 of each year, a <br />vacancies occurring in membership. The '.proposed budget,, in such details as t <br />Mayor, with approval of the City Council, Council shall require; of the -fin <br />shall fillsuch vacancies, for the unexpired needs for the ensuing fiscal year <br />term of the .original appointment, (1988 .operate and maintainthe parks and <br />Code §3x.05) spaces, as watt as provldg lag recreation <br />405.06; ORGANIZATION AND programs. <br />l41EETMICiS: Subd. 2. Fee$ and Charges: ;the <br />Subd.. k Officers: The Commission shall Commission .shall adrise the' Couraoil to <br />select a. Vice Chairman andSecretary, establish Charges or . fees for the <br />The Vice Chairman shah be~___se1+®cted restricted use of any faciUti®s or to make <br />from its mefrktiership raj wise sha0 serve any phase of the recreation program <br />for S,ternre Of ogre (1) year: The Secretary <br />' wholly or partially self-susteinirrg. (1968:.: <br />may.l>e esktcted from the C-ommic,;ion or Code §34.08). <br />~i11aL~ <br />Subd. 2. Attorney` and Engineer: The 405.09: RULES AND REf3tH:A7'~NS: <br />The Council may establish such rotes and <br />Municipal Attorney shall act as attorney regulations for the administraffon of this. <br />for the Commission and the Director of Chapteras it may deem necessary and <br />Public Works/City Engineer shall act as may delegate sUCh rule-making authority <br />its engineer. 4o the Commission, and, the CotrmisSion- <br />Subd:.$. Rules of Procedure: At its first shall have powerto make sucn rules and <br />meeting, the Commission shall adopt . regulations pursuant to , delegated <br />rules of proaeakusand elect the Cwo (2) authority as ft {teems necessary for the <br />officers: tt shall-amend the rules, from purpose of pr~tiotming its duties<as hgretri <br />time to'tinre; as is necessary.: (1988 Code set forth: <br />(t 988 Code §34.10) <br />g~4.o6)' . <br />SECTION 2. This actr,, tiecames " <br />Subd 4: NteeUngs~'tha Cbmr(tission shall effectlve thirty ' (30~° : dam after its <br />establish regular; meeting {fates; but <br />" publication ih the offfdal ~'!"newspitpec <br />special rheslerpp may <br />b,s called by any Read qy the Cfty Council of the Cii}r ~. <br />officer of the Gorttmission upon;;eygn; j7,~ Mounds View thus d~ <br />of <br />days' notice to alt members. The . <br />, 2bp3, <br />Commissbrt shtlll weglF at least Read arwl passed bf" the City Courxxl of <br />twei~ (12} th@aj~b! of Mounds. View this day of <br />each Caletkfar year. <br />' ~ ~ 2003• <br />~' <br />Subd. 5. Quorum: A tttajortty of the " <br />Jerry Linke, tMegar' <br />appoirted members shall, constigrte a AT}'EgY <br />quorum.; (1988 Code §34.0 James Ertcsaut <br />405.07: POWERS ANO DUTIES: in interim City Administra[4N <br />order to carryon the recreation provided APPROVi~ AS TO <br />herein, the duties pf the Commssson <br />s-~uJO <br />l <br />d@~ Bco~Rlggs, City <br />B <br />. <br />~ <br />u ( <br />ulletin: May~1, 003) <br />Subd. 1. Operation of tatty Parks <br />and <br />" <br />.~1Jruderr tf]R.di~ection of ttte <br />R <br />• <br /> , <br />