<br />' -~___~ --A~,~
<br />. miild-mannered Ogitz c~
<br /> n~#;contain his excite
<br />~ pv~r the lop-sidedvctor
<br />`l
<br />in
<br />
<br />Y ~' ' °t`` ~ ~ '~" ay
<br />g Cretin and ej
<br />thing they stand for , , . , l
<br />' b1~'win for us,s'lie:s~id.
<br />'Y` ` ` OgrtZ, the .team's IP.af10~
<br /> ter,, raised his average to:
<br /> second only to Paul R:ei
<br /> (.429),. "fie is also secrtat
<br /> RBI with: i4, benina Rehlc
<br /> (.300, 16 ItBI) -and:~Iea~is
<br /> ' squad in bits with 26.
<br />~' After an~ RBI sngle.,f
<br /> Mikey Johnson (varsity~ca
<br /> l,~i~h 4 fc~'.4~ i~$te fi ~l
<br /> 1t I3-4, the: infield .move
<br /> astd Bet~loltr ~atl~'th
<br /> ~mshing, qff w$at`
<br />e
<br />staff
<br />h
<br />ii ~, j
<br />~{
<br />yy
<br />~
<br />1.7,GiillO111 (~T.'ft1rT ~,`.~~-'!!', ~:~
<br />~f ` neatly gunChed a
<br />,
<br />~ RBI single to right. sco~
<br />H.~.
<br />". ' Reitsen -sending the-Rai
<br />F home earlyr.
<br />~~ ~ ~ .:
<br />~ It was only the 'seep
<br />F
<br />~' ?~..a ~ defeat forfthe Raiders. (1
<br />Rick Wachs, Bi,tletin They .felt to top-ranked A
<br />,, ~ ~ netonka'I3-3 a :mAnth
<br />in the s~icaind a~~of the.i~- 1 -~al~in five in~tin~s.
<br />, `The Ivlulsta
<br />s fini
<br />h
<br />C
<br />s M~or'_psdner as tine vls~idng: ng
<br />s
<br />ed
<br />
<br />effJenaeat, Ir®rtdale, 5=6 .links the
<br />incred~l~e succea
<br />~on# 'um ~ ~ ,
<br />the prevtAus gaxine when'
<br />• 1 -- l~is, ~Otiiio-Grace, 22-3; 3~ 'Stangs struck out 16 tiff
<br />-- Shepppard, irandale, 20-5; 4
<br />~
<br />L
<br />Cl
<br />i'~
<br />I
<br />o
<br />d
<br />l against t~iaron"Jenkins vc
<br />e
<br />-
<br />a
<br />e,
<br />r
<br />n
<br />a
<br />e, 19=11; T
<br />•-- Tworitep, SLPlSA, 19-71/2 ..
<br />~P1iri Park. ,
<br />Everything afbet hint wi
<br />.
<br />Pole vault ,~ - notch below," . Herman said
<br />1 -Brian Swo~ky, St."I+ungats,
<br />13-U
<br />'~ --°i~il'Erickson
<br />Iron- ' Mourida View (lI-6~
<br />,
<br />,
<br />dale, .12r6; 5 ~-`Phil Brottdyke;
<br />Iroru3elt:,11-0 end to be amok tltye
<br />8i8' SeedS'iIt Sectiozt 4AAA'
<br />
<br />. ~ bathed Park of Ct1tEa
<br />T~ -
<br />$
<br />1 -- Mickep Bro ndale,
<br />~ May I9 ~r a .share" of the S~
<br />~ urban'Eest ~~~~ title
<br />
<br />153 11, 2~- Tpter
<br />kang Iran-
<br />dale, 152-5; 3; -~ 2aa#x'Berg, .
<br />Seeding fOr Section 4A!
<br />`
<br />SLl?/SA; ~+t8-8 ~6 --Mark :Per~r,
<br />Irondala, 13 ~ it 7 - ,toidan was com feted M~
<br />P ~, ~0. ~
<br />P~~'~ begixt May 22;~
<br />Hanson, SLP~'~, 1~0-11 , ,
<br />Shot.put Muuncia Viedv 14", Cretin
<br />1- frown, Irondale, 54-5 2 -,.- Denham Ha214, 5 init.
<br />Lekang; lroridale, 46-61/2 CDH UI2 Ol - .4 6 2
<br /> MV` Q54 32 ~- I4,16 0
<br />z
<br />.--~
<br />
<br />~--. = f
<br />- . Now
<br />~ifzz~ 1.a~~
<br />~ you c~ lit s~tad ;
<br /> r
<br />~~
<br />'ti. - ~ xl ~...
<br />•, ~,~ ~~
<br />•r
<br />