10 1.JL APpL1AT1O±f Ai.7~TilidlSTRA-.
<br />The aopficatfen .-administration. and
<br />enfor~e!nent_ o!sl_1e_cyr~e_. shall _~;e thin
<br />gccU_'rianc__'~`it,*, Minn~~ot~ S1t_t
<br />8uildna Coda The Mirnesota State
<br />Certifi Buildin Official e i Hate b
<br />~i of Mounds View tU~~inisi r the
<br />~prj=._hri PnfOrC.`-' lh 5 CUG~3.
<br />1QU1,_C_,s F~RMtT Ad1iD F+_cEsa
<br />Sr~bd_i--i "F i5~ar ~e ..f.,3~rt +t>_and th~s
<br />rollectiorQ=yes shalt t>r; as a+~thorized in
<br />Minne~ta S+z ,,fj ~t~ f2 ,_ b~ivi~o~
<br />1 ...~PrrYl l Fes _f,3{{ t) ]:~c:h 6~ F~f-w7fK
<br />overned~is cgde in acncrdanca with
<br />the fee sehAdufe _gd~ted by the
<br />resolution of the coupe=il. In additio~a
<br />us rcharge_fee shay h~ collected or, III
<br />hermits issue for work goyer~d by.this
<br />~ode__ in accordance with Minnesota
<br />Skatut:~ 1FF3_'.~. The~^errnit _ee doe=nit
<br />ine!ude the r_Q_t of.~n~outsi~e expen es
<br />the Municipality rnav incur related to the
<br />review. ins~aciion or en`Urcement 2t1e
<br />r,ermii such as tho5?_for soil~est
<br />plannin~c,_ le af_ or__'noineenrg
<br />~gnsuitan[s. The owmer_cr_~ eq n=shall
<br />mak~~ayment for _aI~_uc~_axpgn~sg~
<br />when Mlle therefore ~ the fbfunici alit
<br />Subd. 2 Work without permit Shoup Id a~
<br />person begin work of_an~r kind such a~.
<br />hereinafter set forth or for which a oermit
<br />from the Pl+unicipalif+ is r ufre b the
<br />oil in Code withc;~t _h~vin first
<br />se urea the nac ss~ permit from the
<br />Municipality sUr so doing that person
<br />s'aff-,fie subs°ct tU a s~eciai investigation
<br />and fees.
<br />Subd. 3 13uildinaTand Construction
<br />Valuation_B~tilrJi+~g valuation for the
<br />ur a e of esfabiishfng building oermit
<br />fees shall be as ado fed by- he C
<br />t`nuncil by resolution and may tae
<br />amended from time to times Valuation for
<br />Iteratiors repairs or extensions shall e
<br />dQternlined ~ the_Building__Ina ec or
<br />¢~sed on Buildi~ Inspector's estimate of
<br />the materials cost and the labor cost to
<br />out the construction in place. (Ord. 508.
<br />4-27-92' 1993 CodQ1
<br />Shaft be in acc.Qrtlan~e v/ith the
<br />MinnesotaMate Building Code unless
<br />other wa___~ _..__s specified under the 8uildina
<br />Permits and Fees Clevel~ment Controls
<br />sectign 1006.
<br />1001 •Q~S_TOP WORE( ORDERS:
<br />Whenever env buiidin work is both
<br />done contrary t~ the provisions of the
<br />Buifdi~ Co e the Suildina Offical may
<br />or -gr .ing_w'ork stc~Pd by notice in
<br />writing served on an,t.,oersnns enoaged
<br />in doin r cousin + such work tU be done.
<br />a~-an s ch-pera2n~ shall for t+with sto
<br />~ c~h work ntii authorized by the Building
<br />Insoertor to oroc~e~ with the work tOrd_
<br />_508_ 4-27-92. __
<br />M A § 166-59 et seq.
<br />1001.06 PENALllES:
<br />Subd. 1 Any_ oe-son(sl firm or
<br />corporation. which shall violate env
<br />rp o~isions of Yhis Cha er andior the
<br />Minnesota Save Building Code shall tZ
<br />a; the sire t"!eaartment. (Ord. 681, 5-29-
<br />01]
<br />1002.03: ~°AAY Af- O1°L°
<br />. mat
<br />'~
<br />~i;a-p'i
<br />-Ya~t~~+atet~~F~kr,-G;f~e€~#~e-Fig
<br />+19eec-~af+t,
<br />S__u.~d. 1 Enforcement of Fire Code• The
<br />tilinnes t~_S±ate Fire Cade shall be
<br />enforce b the Fire Marshal. wha shall
<br />t,e aoooinied~ and iaperate under the
<br />supervision of the Chief of the Fire
<br />Department.
<br />Subd. 2. In~~ectors: The Code Official
<br />shaft++ hav@ the authority to appoint a
<br />dew i~~ ror!o official other related
<br />technical officers and inspectors as shall,
<br />from time to time be necessary.
<br />Subd. 3. Annual Report: A report of the
<br />bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made
<br />annually and transmitted to the. Council.
<br />(Ord. d96r 1i-12-91; Ord.681, 5-29-01}
<br />1002.04: PERMIT FEES: All Fire
<br />Department permit fees shall be set in
<br />accordance with a fee schedule adopted
<br />by resolution of the City Council. (Ord.
<br />49fi, 11-12-91)
<br />1002.05: APPEALS BOARD: The Fire
<br />Department Board of Directors and the
<br />Fire Chief shall act as the local board of
<br />appeals with regard to enforcemen4 of
<br />this Chapter and the Minnesota Uniform
<br />Fire Code. (Ord. 496, 11-12-91; Ord. 681,
<br />5-29-01)
<br />1002 06~ PENALTIES
<br />uS bd. 1. ~^;._persons firm or torpo-
<br />r ti n which shaft violate env provisions
<br />of this chapter and/or the Minnesota
<br />Uniform Fire Code shall be guilty of a
<br />misdemeanor.
<br />ubd. 2 The application of the above
<br />penalty shall not be held to prevent the
<br />gnforced removal of . orohi ite
<br />^onditions.
<br />Subd 3 Each day any such violation
<br />hail continue shall constitute a separate
<br />offense.
<br />Subd 1 DEFINITIONS' Ic~ition device.
<br />for the purpose of this Section s`~all be
<br />defined as:
<br />a. Matches
<br />b Lighters
<br />c Anv other materials when used for
<br />~rpgsee of ignition.
<br />Subd. 2. PROHiBITIUNS'
<br />a_. No miror may possess any ignition
<br />tlevire unless under the dir ct
<br />crvisjpn of. or with the direct
<br />su,o- -
<br />permi~sion of a parent or legal guardian:
<br />b. Na person may sell, give, deliver. or
<br />Bu+lding ~=0 , c affr i 1 before
<br />proceeding with any of the `ot!ov/+ng work
<br />and including work rewiring a oermit oer_
<br />the current fvfinnescta State Build~n
<br />mod=:
<br />(i) Construction, alteration ~:~ repair
<br />of buildings, structures, footings ar
<br />foundations.
<br />(2) Excavating, grading or tilling of
<br />ar.}' plat Uf area.
<br />(3} {:Gri$trUCLOrI of concrete or
<br />blacktop sidewalks, driveways nr parking
<br />lots.
<br />i4) Irsti++aticn of stucco
<br />(5} R~.-hrngl+ny gnu rec;ove; my of any
<br />existing building or structure or part
<br />thereof.
<br />{6) Residing of any building or
<br />struct+,;re or part thereof.
<br />(7) Erection of any platforms or
<br />seating in any assembly or open air
<br />public assembly.
<br />(8j Erection of any fence, regardless
<br />of the valuation of the work. The owner
<br />shall be resppnsible for assuring that the
<br />location of the fence is confined to the
<br />boundaries of ov/ners prapertyl3.
<br />Se~103.08 of this Code for
<br />fence regulations.
<br />(9} Wrecking or tearing down of any
<br />building or structure or part thereof.
<br />(10) Raising or shoring of any
<br />building or structure.
<br />(11) Moving buildings or structures
<br />from one (1) location to another over the
<br />streets of the Municipalityl4.
<br />Se~ 1007 of this Title for
<br />building relocation regulations.
<br />(12) Moving buildings or structures
<br />larger in size than twelve feet (12') high,
<br />fourteen feet (14') wide, or twenty five feet
<br />(25') long from one (1) location to another
<br />over private property without moving over
<br />Municipal streets or aiteysl5.
<br />See Chapter 1007 of this Title for
<br />building relocation regulations.
<br />(13) Construction, reconstruction or
<br />repair, of a permanent or temporary
<br />nature, of any pipeline transporting any
<br />volatile material, including but not limited
<br />to crude or refined oil, diesel oil, fuel oil,
<br />gasoline or natural gas. A permit for the
<br />above defined work may be issued by the
<br />City Council only after a public hearing
<br />has been held after published notice has
<br />been placed in the official newspaper of
<br />the City two (2) weeks prior to said
<br />headng.
<br />b. Electrical Work:
<br />(i) For purposes of interpretation of
<br />this Chapter, the most recently published
<br />edition of the National Electrical Code
<br />shall be prima facie evidence of the
<br />definitions, interpretations and scope of
<br />words and terms used in this Section.
<br />(2) Tf~e owner or agent shall first
<br />obtain a permit from the Electrical
<br />Inspectgr before proceeding with any
<br />work involving installation, replacement,
<br />alteration or repair of electrical services,
<br />including temporary services. (Ord. 508,
<br />a-~~-921
<br />~- --
<br />d. 2 Work Reauirina iiv License:
<br />ford 628 6-28-99)
<br />Asphalt
<br />Excavafrno znd fiilino
<br />(~nre inst_allin
<br />Gas line installer
<br />General construction• commercial
<br />rrnt>~s and those residential general
<br />ccrtr;~tctors whc do nr~ ha~•re a State
<br />!ic~nce fGrd 528 6-28-9
<br />Heating air conditioning ventilation or
<br />refit eration
<br />Masonry
<br />alaater swcco or lathinc
<br />Sewer and water (working in street only.
<br />St t alumbin tic nee c v rs n w
<br />to the property tin (Ord 628 6-28-
<br />99~
<br />~Se~e~Chapters 906 and 907 of this
<br />Code for water and sewer regulations.
<br />Sheetro~
<br />Sinn and biilboard19~Ord 628 6-28-99)
<br />ceding ford 521. 11-23-921
<br />T~See Chapter 1008 of this Title for
<br />signs and billboards.
<br />Tree trimming and removal (Ord 558 4-
<br />24-9
<br />Subd 3 Reguir~ments For License
<br />Each applicant for a license shall satisfy
<br />tt~E?Council that applicant is competent t~v
<br />re^son of education. special training and
<br />expPrlPnce and that applicant is eguipbe~
<br />tg nPrform the work for which a license +s
<br />regu sted in accordance with ail State
<br />laws Municipal ordinances and the
<br />Rniiding Code
<br />Subd 4 Application And Fees'
<br />:^^.;,
<br />_pp. .an for licenses shall be file wr
<br />the CIPrk-Administrator on the forms
<br />fyrnished by the Munlnipality The annual
<br />fee for each license shall be as
<br />@~t blished by resolution as amended
<br />from time to time by the Citv Council.
<br />Y bd 5 General Contractors A license
<br />granted to a general contractor shall
<br />include the right to perform all of the work
<br />includr~^' in the aenerai contract. Such
<br />licenC° shall include env or all of the
<br />persons performing the work under the
<br />agneral contract o~ovidina that each
<br />p_yrson performing such work is rn the
<br />regular empl^~~ ^f such aenerai contractor
<br />and cuafifi . under State law and the
<br />~ *~%= Cade to perform such
<br />work In these cases 'the general
<br />contractor shall be responsible for all of
<br />the work so performed Subcontractors
<br />who ^re persons not in the regular
<br />empioy_of a ga~rai contractor shall be
<br />required to com2ly with the Sections of
<br />this Code pertaining to license and
<br />'nsurance qualifications for the
<br />=ub ontractor's particular type of work.
<br />Subd 6 (nsurance• Anv peon ho dine
<br />a +' a shall file with the Clerk-
<br />Administrator policies of public Irabrirty
<br />~ r+y damage insurance which
<br />shall remain and be in force and elect
<br />du 'ng tfte entire term of said license and
<br />which shall contain a provision t t ev
<br />shall be cancelled without ten f101
<br />day=' written notice to the Municipality.
<br />..... ,._~.,.....__..____ ^~^..~a ..,., tie
<br />{1989? preparea oy the rrtarnsey uuu+..y
<br />Soil and Water Conservation District anc
<br />subsequent revisions thereto, streets.
<br />parking, landscaping, screening anc
<br />buffering, fighting, setbacks, exterio+
<br />construction design ahd materials, trast
<br />disposal, construction timetable and suct
<br />other matters as the Council may require
<br />~ ee Cf~apter 1302 of this Code.
<br />b. The cwner or developer shall submi
<br />with the development plan an abstract o
<br />title, registered grope>ty report or sucl
<br />supporting atTida.its c° documents the
<br />establish ownership or any other parties
<br />of interest in the property involved.
<br />Subd. 4. Gevelopment Contract:
<br />a. A development contract which set
<br />forth all of the terms, contJition:
<br />requirements, agreements, guarantee
<br />and plans for the orderly development i
<br />said land shall be entered into betwee
<br />the developer and the Municipality pric
<br />to the final approval of any subdivision, c
<br />project that qualifies for a Developmer
<br />Review; as determined by subdivision
<br />of this Section. This requirement may b
<br />waived by the City Council in the event n
<br />public improvements. are planned t
<br />proposed. (Ord. 692, 3-25-02)
<br />b. Before execution of the developmei
<br />contract, the owner or developer shs
<br />submit certification from Ramsey Coun
<br />Department of Taxation that ail taxes ar
<br />special assessments due on the proper
<br />involved have been paid in full.
<br />c. Said development contract she
<br />include provisions for supervision
<br />details of construction by the City ar
<br />grant to the City authority io inspect
<br />work performed pursuant to said contra
<br />to assure satisfactory performance ar
<br />completion of the work. (Ord. 508, 4-2
<br />92)
<br />Any person violating the provisions of tt
<br />Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemearn
<br />(Ord. 508, 4-27-92)
<br />SECTION 4. This ordinance shall to
<br />effect thirty (30) days aster the date of
<br />publication in th? official City newspap+
<br />the City Council of the City of Moun
<br />View on this 12th day of May, 2003.
<br />READ and ADOPTED by the C
<br />Council of the City of Mounds View t
<br />27th day of May, 2003.
<br />Jerry Linke, Mai
<br />ATTE:
<br />James Erics
<br />Interim City Administra
<br />Approved as to for
<br />Mounds View City Attorr
<br />(Bulletin: June 4, 2003)
<br />