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City Council
Council Minutes 1959
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64 <br />April 20, 1959 <br />The regular meeting of the Mounds View Village Council vas called to order by <br />Mayor, Jawed Gibson at 8:00 P.M. on April 20, 1959, at the Village Hall, 1450 West <br />Highway 96. <br />The following members were present: <br />Mayor: James W. Gibson <br />Clerk: Earl E. Smith <br />Trustees: Reuben O. Achterkirch <br />Melford C. Christensen <br />John L. Sullivan <br />and the following were also present: <br />Deputy Clerk: Betty Walbridge <br />Legal Counsel: Richard Meyers <br />Engineer: E.V Comstock <br />Treasurer: Irene Edberg <br />A hearing on the rezoning' of the Babinski property in the Twelve Oaks Addition was <br />opened. Mr. Crane, chairman of the Planning Commission, read the report submitted by <br />the Planning Commission in regards to their findings which recommended denial of the <br />request for rezoning. After much public discussion lasting approximately an hour and a <br />half, a standing vote was taken from the affected area. Ten people voted for the rezoning, <br />14 people voted against it Prom the balance of the village 3 people voted for the <br />rezoning 4•citizes voted against it It was explained by the mayor that a petition is <br />on file from Mr. abinski showing 50 signatures of citizens living in the 'immediate area <br />of the property to be rezoned approving this rezoning. Motion by Smith seconded by <br />Achterkirch that the Babinski property be rezoned as Glass B residential. Achterkirch, <br />Smith and Gibson aye; Christensen and Sullivan nay. Notion carried. <br />Motion by Gibson seconded by Achterkirch that the Babinski property be subdivided <br />into 100 foot frontage lots only. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Motion by Sullivan seconded by Smith that a letter be directed to the building <br />inspector that no permits be issued for building on the Babinski property until the plat <br />has been approved in accordance with 100 fort frontage lots. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Motion by Gibson seconded by Smith that before building permits are issued for building <br />on the Babinski property that soundings be taken in accordance Izith the state code. <br />Motion amended by Sullivan to read that a letter be directed to the building inspector <br />that before issuing a builders permit on the B abinski property he should be furnished <br />evidence that such soundings have been taken by Twin City and a copy of such <br />evidence be placed on file in the clerks office. Motion and amended motion seconded <br />by Christensen. Notion carried unanimously. <br />The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was suspended until May 4th council <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Birong appeared before the council in regards to the impoundment of ti dog. <br />F act presented that r. irong's dog has always been licensed and not considered a <br />public nuisance by Mr. Birong's neighbors and that tl dog les been picked up several <br />time ne r his master's house. Lotion by Smith seconded by Gbson t ?:at tl:e impoundment fee <br />for the dog owned by Mr. B irong be waived. Achterki:•c •%mitt:, C}:ris +ensen and Gibson, aye: <br />Sullivan nay. notion carried. On Wednesday, April 79 at 7:70 P.M. tta council will >^net <br />at the village hall and discuss the dog situation. <br />
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