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The Clef]; r^a Or in <br />0 iINANCL1 '_74 ELATI;?r• TO <br />I1! T:1T VILLAG) 0. i.OUII) <br />TIL: ADi:- III.T71.1TION OF <br />MATT.;: S ^Ii To, <br />CT_1!J1GES III C0i ?II ;CTICI! <br />Seconded by Crane. 5 Aye <br />000015 <br />iiinutes of January 23, 19(1 Council :cc tang <br />as a Fiscal Agent and also his discussions on the subject with <br />Bonding Companies and Frith I's. iiacaulay of i:innesota i:anageuent <br />Consultants and everyone he had discussed it with felt that an <br />Attorney coup handle the sale of bonds as well as a firm of Bond <br />Consultants could. <br />Trustee Christensen brought out that proper timing could mean a <br />better bond bid and that he felt that someone specializing in the field <br />uould be more qualified to handle the sale of bonds. <br />Roll call on notion. Hodges, Christenson, Crane, Aye; iIalvin, <br />Blanchard; Hay. Three ayes for approval. Lotion carried. <br />iiotion by liayor Crane to appoint Dr. Collin Houle of Hew Brighton <br />as Village ITealth Officer„ Seconded by i:alvin. 5 Ayes for approval. <br />Lotion carried. <br />Upon call for business from the floor, I:r s. 0. L. 7acon, 2265 <br />Highway JO presented a petition to rezone her property at that site. <br />This was referred to the Planning Commission. <br />A petition was read by the Clerk asking for water service to <br />Fairchild Avenue between Sherwood :toad and Highway •;`10. The petition' <br />was referred to the Public Works Committee, Iiel Christensen, Chairman. <br />Iirs. William T'rits, 8072 Long Lake Road, brought to the <br />attention of theCci,ncil that there-is a hater Pump and tank at <br />Rational Pole and Treating Company, 7101 Central Avenue N.7%, and that <br />the firm is moving from this location. She suggested that perhaps <br />the Village should investigate the possih11ty of t'sing this system. <br />Subject referred to the Public '.forks Committee and the Village' Engineer <br />for investigation. <br />The Clerk read an application from 31 Simon, 2200 Highway ;"-'10 <br />for a variance to the :building Code for an addition to his present <br />building. The application was referred to the Planning Commision. <br />The Attorney reported that the Village had received a Summons <br />regarding legal action taken by John .;obertus, former Police Chief, <br />against the Village of Lounds- riew. i :otion by Crane that the Attorney <br />be instructed to represent the 7M age in this case. Seconded by 'lodges. <br />5 Ayes for approval. Iieti.on carried. <br />The Attorney reported that I•ir. lla17.y Grobor g and his Attorney <br />requested that an another meeting be hell our Village Officials. <br />Trustee Christensen was instructed to set up he rieeting. <br />The Attorney presented a bill for ;27.70, delinquent taxes on <br />the O'Connell property. ;:oLion ',y Crane to gay the bill. Seconder. <br />by H6dges, 5 ayes for approval, 'lotion carried. <br />^nco ;`FO, su' j ect O_; )Ii"! .0 <br />;S LATI :1 ITi. 017 '.1.'!i. A17 11= <br />i I 2STAl3LI 'III`G `Il ?I .3 'L ..:GUL_1T.I0113 FOR <br />JA AHD :3 )1 3 1 T.'Iii 7ILLAG AND <br />II'Ci,' )II;G ALL P 'OF TI 7 i AII? 1 t7 Th AND <br />.I ''ITII. i o:.ion by Christensen for approval. <br />i Oi' ?p i'O ✓al. i./7 '..OP, ca =ie_,.. <br />