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LROCEF:DINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />AERIL 10, 1967 <br />The Regular Meeting of the Mounds View Village Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Rusted at 8:05 P. M. on Monday, April 10, 1967, at the Village Hall, <br />2401' Highway '#10, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55112. <br />PRESENT ALSO PRESENT <br />I. C.?Rustad, Mayor Sheldon Boehm, Engineer <br />Robert Walser, Clerk Richard Meyers, Attorney <br />Gary Lang. Trustee <br />Richard Johnson. Trustee <br />Perry; Malvin, Trustee <br />The approval of the minutes for March 27, 1967 was deferred. <br />Resident Arvin Berglund presented a variance. Proposed garage would be four <br />feet over code. <br />M /S /r (Malvin /Rusted) To approve the variance for Alvin Berglund. 5 Ayes <br />Resident John Radway presented copies of the Jaycees Community Attitudes <br />Survey to Council members for their inspection and comments. <br />Resident Joe Stork requested information on the Mil rate in the Village. <br />Trustee Dick Johnson commented that improvements have been assessed at 757 <br />and the additional costs must be recovered from tax dollars. <br />Mounds View's Mil levy breakdown is as follows: <br />27.31 Mils Revenue (includes small hospital cost) <br />1.97 Mils P. E. R. A. <br />.50 Mils Civil Defense <br />13.63 Mies Bonds and Interest <br />43.41 Total <br />Rates of other suburbs were quoted and their distribution discussed. <br />Resident Jae Stork requested information on tax delinquent property in <br />Mounds View. Attorney Dick Meyers replied to the question stating that it <br />is very difficult to obtain such a list due to the fact that land is not <br />declared delinquent until it is five years delinquent in taxes. In the sixth <br />year it can be sold for taxes. <br />The effect of tax delinquent lands on the Mil rate was discussed. At the <br />present time, a Mil levy of one Mil produces $2500, the Attorney reported. <br />Mayor Rusted reported that New Brighton, Spring Lake Lark, Blaine, Shoreview, <br />and Fridley, do not have ordinances regulating service stations. <br />The Installation of flashing lights on Village trucks was discussed. <br />M /S /i (Lang /Johnson) To install revolving flashing lights on Village Trucks. <br />5 Ayes <br />