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PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A regular meeting of the Mounds View City Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Johnson at 8:00 p.m., March 24, 1975, at Pinewood Elementary School, <br />5500 Quincy Street, Mounds View, Minnesota 55112 <br />Present: <br />Mayor Johnson <br />Councilman Hodges <br />Councilman Baumgartner <br />Councilman Pickar <br />Councilman Shelquist <br />Also Present: Clerk- Administrator Achen <br />Engineer Bearden <br />MSP (Hodges Pickar) to approve the minutes of March 10, 1975 meeting as <br />presented. 5 Ayes <br />Mayor Johnson reported that the City Council met informally last Saturday <br />morning to discuss with the staff the furniture required for the city hall <br />addition. Mayor Johnson pointed out that this was not a formal meeting, <br />it was not called to order and no action was taken. <br />Administrator Achen's Report <br />MSP (Baumgartner Shelquist) to approve the following bills: General account <br />checks No. 10105 through 10165, Payroll account check No. 1155 through 1158, <br />Payroll checks No. 1801 through 1833, Transfer check No. 10163 transferring <br />$5,776.23 from Special Police Fund to General Fund for fiscal 1974, and <br />Transfer check No. 10164 transferring $10,713.42 from General Fund, $1,040.00 <br />froi.,Water Fund, $1,511.58 from Sewer Fund to pay gross pay of March 30, 1975. <br />Total disbursements $166,300.07. 5 Ayes <br />MSP (Johnson Pickar) to approve the licenses waiving the fee for Cub Scout <br />Pack 400: General Contractor Harold E. Julien, Bldg, Contr., Montgomery <br />Elevator Co., G -P Construction; Peddler and Solicitor LuVerne Peterson, <br />Cub Scout Pack 400 (April 1 to May 31). 5 Ayes <br />Councilman Baumgartner reported a change in the public meetings schedule <br />attached to the agenda. Thursday, March 27, the Park and Recreation Commis- <br />sion will meet at city hall, not Pinewood School. <br />Administrator Achen reported the resignation of James Burggraff from his <br />Planning Commissi"n position. Councilman Shelquist stated that he had talked <br />to Mr. Burggraff. He said he was resigning due to current work load and <br />Wednesday night meetings. He indicated he might reconsider. Councilman <br />Shelquist sugge .,ted waiting until the next meeting before taking action. <br />Admnistrator Achen presented a memcrandum from the park director and public <br />works superintendent recommending a merit increase for Swen Thelin, part <br />time worker in the public works maintenance department. Mr. Thelin will he <br />starting earlier in the season this year, MarcL 15, and ending around the <br />third week in August to rlleviate any problems he may encounter with taxes <br />due to his retirement status. <br />