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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />February 11, 1980 <br />adoption of Resolution 1076 and it was <br />seconded by Forslund. <br />5 ayes <br />motion carried. 0 nays <br />Resolution 1077 involved the investment 12. ITEM K, RESOLUTION 1077 <br />policy for the Cities Idle Funds. The Re- <br />INVESTMENT POLICIES <br />solution outlined and referenced the <br />Statutes regarding this subject. Council- <br />man Forslund and McCarty desired adding <br />an amendment to the proposal to include <br />identification of the funds invested by <br />source and amount. Nelson requested that <br />if the Council wanted to add this amend- <br />ment it would be advantageous to discuss <br />it with the City's Treasurer prior to the <br />adoption of the Resolution. McCarty moved <br />adding an item E to the Resolution stating <br />that the funds should be identified by the <br />source of the moneys used in the investment <br />and the amount used from that source in the <br />investment. Forslund seconded the motion. <br />During this discussion of this issue it was <br />again emphasized that the Treasurer should <br />have an opportunity to discuss this matter <br />with the City Council. Ziebarth moved to <br />table this resolution and amendment until <br />the 25th of February in order to allow the <br />Council to discuss this matter with the <br />Treasurer on the 19th of February. McCarty <br />seconded the motion. <br />The motion carried. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays <br />