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We are on ((l(' <br />neighboring commu.niti <br />the fifteen yenr'r< or ,oto <br />r.r, r:n..?.:e we and ,m :ny <br />c r t,• ic!, o i .re Airport over <br />tee Seen with un ';ie have <br />support from state lecisltorr on t :j one, �,r��i 1 om ;;ersonally working <br />through an association o C su'burt- n m,L;;'orn which I am co sponsoring, in <br />Order to bring home to the i n Council our concern that we have <br />local control over vital issue's such as the r_irport expansion. There are <br />also a number of .local efforts under way questioning the Airport.:expansion. <br />The Council is currently conoidering ways to most effectively coordinate <br />all these local efforts. <br />In a third problem area to answer the concerns behind a city -wide storm <br />sewer proposal in 1978, the City Council last year passed a resolution <br />which in general requires a developer to take care of any increase, "on- <br />site ",oif storm water problems caused by his development. However, this <br />approach has been questioned in some difficult c; -uses. 1 intend to form <br />a committee to look at any proposed solutions for these- drainage prub? ems <br />(any. related concerns such as the preservation of wetlands). which will <br />not financially burden the community. Apart from any problem which might <br />be caused by future development the City Counci.l has agreed we do not <br />have a general, wide spread :storm dr rnblem. However, there is <br />current problem caused by b. ck -ee or r; tor•m ;'ewer r ,-:long: Ardan Avenue <br />which has given concern for several year:?. i,r;ch of the I,rdan Avenue system <br />was given a badly needed cleaning last seneon. The cleaning will help, <br />but is unlikely to be the whole answer.. For any residual problem, the <br />City has an engineering study which indicates that relatively inexpensive <br />solutions are possible. <br />continuing high priority concern is efficiency and economy in government. <br />This is not only good business, but inescapable in this era of high <br />inflation and multiple demands on city services. By a provision in the <br />City Charter, we will be receiving renorts each quarter from heads of <br />City departments. The first of these will be given at City Council <br />meetings on March 10th and ::arch 24th. These will be opportunities for <br />citizens to get direct answers on :'e1t•rtmenl. ey,rendit',rre: services and <br />piens. <br />