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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />March 24, 1980 Page 11 <br />Rose informed the City Council of <br />the status of this drainage problem <br />between the City of Spring Lake Park <br />and Loren Sandall, a resident of the <br />City of Mounds View. He informed the <br />City Council that the City had been <br />involved in a number of negotiations <br />on the behalf of Mr. Sandall and <br />results of the last meeting was a <br />request from the Watershed and Spring <br />Lake Park to develop a cost estimate <br />on a potential engineering study to <br />solve the drainage problem. <br />Staff was before City Council inquiring <br />whether or not they wanted to proceed <br />with a feasibility study, which would <br />provide an alternative to the present <br />situation. An estimated cost of that <br />study was estimated to be $600. Staff <br />was not sure as to the split between <br />Spring Lake Park and Mounds View over <br />the cost of the $600. The City <br />Attorney noted that the City 'lad no <br />legal obligation to continue advo- <br />cating on behalf of the property owner <br />unless the Council was in favor of a <br />public improvement. The question was <br />raised as to whether this was a public <br />improvement project or an expenditure <br />for a single residential property. <br />McCarty moved to inform the property <br />owner of the City's position that it <br />could not expend public money for <br />what appeared to be a problem between <br />an individual resident and another <br />governing agency. This information <br />should also be passed to the water- <br />shed and Spring Lake Park. <br />Hodges seconded the motion. The <br />Council wanted the Watershed to <br />follow through with their earlier <br />letter to Spring Lake Park. <br />The motion carried. <br />4 ayes <br />0 nays <br />22. PLEASANTVIEW DRAINAGE <br />PROBLEM LOREN VANDALL <br />Rose announced that March 27th at 7:00 23. PLANNING COMMISSION <br />P.M., the City's Planner, Dave Licht, TRAINING SESSION <br />would be conducting a Training Session <br />for the Planning Commission and any City <br />Councilmember that would be interested. <br />