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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page 3 April 14, 1980 <br />Mr.Schossow is requesting a merchant <br />license to sell meat, dairy, and vegetable <br />products by the parking lot area of the <br />Launching Pad establishment. A general dis- <br />cussion followed regarding the additional <br />traffic that would be generzted, the possibility <br />of children running around the parking lot /freeway <br />area (even with the section roped off), and the <br />conflict with the Launching Pad liquor license. <br />The Mayor stated that the intended use of the <br />parking lot is for liquor customers. Licenses <br />of this type have not been granted in the past <br />for this area. At this point in time, the Mayor <br />asked Mr. Dossell if he would like to withdraw <br />his request and then the fee would be returned <br />to him. <br />Hr. Schossow withdrew his request for a merchant <br />license to sell in the Launching Pad parking lot <br />vicinity. <br />Councilmember Hodges made a motion, seconded by <br />Councilmember Forslund to direct Staff to return <br />to Mr. and Mrs.Schossow their $95.00 license fee. <br />The motion carried. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays <br />The Mayor fecessed the meeting for 10 minutes <br />so that the plans for this improvement could be <br />brought to the meeting. <br />The meeting reconvened at 8:50 P.M. <br />A general discussion followed. <br />Councilmember Hodges made a motion, seconded by <br />Forslund to direct Staff to draw up a development <br />agreement in reference to the Karlen Addition- <br />Watermain improvement plans and that the development <br />agreement would include as Exhibit A the specific <br />plans as presented to the City Council meeting <br />today, April 14th. The development agreement would <br />include a hole harmless clause in favor to the city <br />in reference for damages caused by construction <br />projects with bonding requirements up to $26,000. <br />The motion was carried. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays <br />8. MILK DEPOT TRANSIENT <br />MERCHANT LICENSE <br />9. KARLEN ADDITION- WATERMAIN <br />IMPROVEMENT <br />