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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />PAGE 6 May 27, 1980 <br />Dr. Christiansen noted that it might be advisable <br />to specify if the $25,000 value to the city was <br />a "life- time" value or if there would be a depreci- <br />ation value assigned to it. Councilmember Ziebarth <br />agreed that a depreciation or appreciation value <br />should be included in the new contract. <br />Attorney Meyers asked Dr. Christiansen if this <br />Aft contract was to supplement or rescind the old <br />WIF contract. Dr. Christiansen replied that it would <br />replace the old contract. <br />Ziebarth made a motion to ask School District #621 <br />(i.e. Dr. George Christiansen) to prepare another <br />draft of the contract including the five stipula- <br />tions and additional rider(noted before) as well <br />as the maintenance agreement, Resolution #902. <br />This will be reviewed at the June 9th Council <br />meeting. The motion was seconded by Rowley. <br />Ayes -4 <br />Nays -1 (McCarty) MOTION CARRIES. <br />McCarty voted nay because he felt it was unwise to <br />enter into a contract at this time without reviewing <br />the mid -term budget. <br />Mayor McCarty noted a typographical error on <br />Item E. The memo dated May 14, 80 (andout) <br />should read (4th sentence) "25 feet 19 wes <br />t of 7640 <br />Woodlawn and the other would be installed east <br />Mayor McCarty asked that Items A,B, and C be removed <br />from the consent agenda for discussion. <br />Councilmember Forslund added another name to Consent <br />Agenda Item M: License approval for DJM Pipe Service, <br />Inc. through 6/30/81 (new request). <br />Ziebarth made a motion, seconded by Rowley to approve <br />the consent agenda with Items A,B,and C removed and <br />Items E and M corrected. <br />Ayes -5 MOTION CARRIES <br />Nays -0 <br />DISCUSSION: <br />It Ardan Avenue Ditch Cleaning Contract <br />Mayor McCarty asked that the words "approximately" be <br />used on the drawings instead of the symbol z=.11:. He <br />would also like the completion ,;ate to be left open -ended <br />(MOTION CARRIES) <br />10. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA <br />(MOTION CARRIES) <br />