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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page 2 June 9, 1980 <br />Ziebarth made a motion, seconded by Rowley to <br />accept the items as presented in the consent <br />agenda. <br />5 -ayes <br />0 -nays <br />Acting Clerk- Administrator Anderson briefly <br />reviewed the history of the Joint Powers <br />Agreement with School District #621 (as noted <br />in his memo of May 23, 1980 to the City Council). <br />Dr. George Christiansen, Assistant Superintendent, <br />indicated the School District would construct the <br />building in the Spring of 1982 rather than the <br />Spring of 1981. This was approved by an informal <br />meeting of the School Board. <br />Mr. Jerry Linke, representative from the Park <br />and Recreation Board, was also present. <br />Mayor McCarty stated there were certain requirements <br />such as a public hearing and auditing of financial <br />records if the City of Moundsview was designated <br />as the primary recipient and Edgewood Junior High <br />was designated as the secondary recipient of federal <br />revenue sharing funds. Attorney Meyers said he would <br />have to review the definitions of primary and <br />secorr'ary recipients before he could give an opinion. <br />Dr. Christiansen stated that if a public hearing and <br />auditing of financial records were required, he would <br />be willing to comply with the regulations. <br />Rowley made a motion, seconded by Hodges to enter into <br />the proposed joint powers agreement with School District <br />#621 as presented to this meeting (dated 6-9-80) <br />with the additional modification that under Point #5 <br />be added: <br />"Straight line depreciation would be on a <br />fifteen year schedule <br />Councilmember Ziebarth called for the question, seconded <br />by Councilmember Rowley. The motion failed 3 -2 with <br />Mayor McCarty and Councilmember Forslund dissenting. <br />A two thirds majority is required to call for the question. <br />3 -Ayes <br />2 -Nays The motion was carried <br />(Forslund, McCarty) <br />McCarty voted nay because he felt a financial commitment <br />should be deferred untilthe budget review was completed. <br />5. APPROVA. OF CONSENT AGENDA <br />The motion was carried. (MOTION CARRIES) <br />6. EDGEWOOD JR. HIGH JOINT <br />POWERS AGREEMENT <br />(MOTION CARRIES) <br />