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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page 3 June 9, 1980 <br />Attorney Meyers stated that some complaints have been <br />registered with the City regarding damages to their <br />homes and vehicles during the painting of the water <br />tower by the City Hall. The procedure the Council will <br />follow is: <br />1) Citizens should register their complaints (in <br />writing) to the City and include estimated <br />costs for damage repairs. <br />2) The City will act as a coordinating body in <br />this matter. They will refer these complaints <br />to the contractor (who has the ultimate financial <br />responsibility for the repairs). <br />3) Complainants should file their claims before the <br />end of June (1980) <br />4) If the claims have not been resolved by June 30th, <br />the City can then determine whether monies should <br />be withheld from the contractor's agreement or <br />whether the contractor's insurance company should <br />be contacted. <br />Gene Anderson, from the H A Water Tank Specialists, pre- <br />sented his proposal on handling this situation: <br />1) He assume responsibility for the damages. <br />2) He will contact each person who has filed a complaint <br />with the City by the end of this week. <br />3) He will then contact some body shops to find out <br />where he could bring the vehicles to be repaired. <br />He would like to select one body shop to do all the <br />repairs. <br />4) He will refer the complainants to this body shop <br />for their repairs. He will pay the body shop directly. <br />5) If a satisfactory arrangement cannot be made through <br />this procedure, then the individual's recourse would <br />be to contact his (the contractor's) insurance carrier. <br />However, Mr. Anderson stated, he would prefer to handle <br />it without contacting the insurance company. <br />Some individuals who had filed complaints with th^ City were in th <br />audience. They expressed concern about: <br />1) The reliability of the body shop that Mr. Anderson would <br />select. (Mayor McCarty suggested that all the complainants <br />meet with Mr. Anderson to discuss a mutually agreeable body <br />shop). <br />2) They also were concerned about a potential lien on their car <br />if the bill was not paid. (Mayor McCarty suggested they receive <br />a receipt and /or full payment from Mr. Anderson in advance of <br />repairing their car). Mr. Anderson also responded that he <br />was ,.ole and willing to pay the bills, but,regardless of that <br />fact,he was fully insured and the complainant would still have <br />final recourse to contact his insurance company. <br />7. REVIEW OF PROJECT 1978 -9/ <br />H A WATER TANK SPECIALISTS, <br />INC. COMPLAINTS REGARDING <br />DAMAGES TO VEHICLES /HOMES <br />FROM WATER TOWER PAINTING <br />