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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />PAGE 4 June 9, 1980 <br />3) They questioned the right of Mr. Anderson to <br />assign a particular body shop to do the repairs. <br />Council suggested that the individuals who <br />questioned this should contact their personal <br />insurance company for clarification. <br />After further discussion, Council asked Mr. Anderson to <br />return on June 30, 1980, at a Council Agenda Meeting <br />to update them on the situation. Residents who are <br />interested in attending may do so at that time. <br />The discussion closed and complainants moved to the <br />foyer to file their complaints with Mr. Anderson. <br />A discussion of this policy included the suggestion <br />that this be accepted in resolution form now and later <br />incorporated into the administrative code when it is <br />completed. Forslund mentioned the necessity of clari- <br />fying the need for a beeper versus extra manpower. <br />Rowley suggested this be included as an agenda item <br />at the next agenda session (6- 16 -80). <br />Rowley made a motion, seconded by Ziebarth to authorize <br />Staff to prepare Resolution #1119 (a resolution for <br />vehicle use policy) for presentation at the next <br />Council meeting (6- 23 -80). <br />5 -ayes <br />0 -nays <br />The motion was carried. <br />Official Rose stated he had no report. <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed his memo (dated June 6,1980) <br />stating his opinion on Zoning Ordinance 40.05, Sub.C(a). <br />In his presentation, he indicated a need to determine the <br />i -i t_ f__d what the <br />meaning of "adjacent” that t:. clearly iuciii, i IcU 'v�ieiu:. <br />ordinance was stating. He concluded with the suggestion <br />that front yard setbacks be required to fit within the <br />range of the setbacks established within the same block, <br />and that setback requirements can rarely be modified by <br />variance. <br />Sharon McCarthy(Planning Commission) was in the audience <br />and responded to Attorney Meyers that the Planning <br />Commission's original intent was to limit the setback <br />requirements to the two adjacent boundary structures. <br />Attorney Meyers has received a bill for membership fees <br />for 1981 for the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities. The <br />Council indicated they would like to maintain this mem- <br />bership and to go ahead with payment of the bill. <br />8. CITY CAR POLICY <br />(MOTION CARRIES) <br />9. REPORT FROM BUILDING AND <br />ZONING OFFICIAL <br />10. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY <br />(ZON.ORD.40.05 <br />Sub.Ca) <br />