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MOUNDS VIEW CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting <br />Page Two June 23,1980 <br />Mayor McCarty referred Council to #5.C. on <br />the agreement which states "Said assessments <br />shall be payable over a period of not less than <br />ten years with principal amortization occurring <br />only in the Fears 4 -10." He is concerned about <br />the developer guaranteeing the years 1 -4 assess- <br />ment payments. <br />McCarty made a motion, seconded by Hodges, that <br />the development agreement shall include assess- <br />ment payment guarantees to the satisfaction of <br />the Council. <br />4 -ayes THE MOTION WAS CARRIED. (MOTION CARRIES) <br />0 -nays <br />A discussion followed between the developer, <br />his attorney, the City Attorney, and the Council. <br />There was some discussion with the developer <br />regarding the changes in the "language" of the <br />contract. Attorney Meyers indicated that the <br />City is acknowledging the presentation of these <br />plans, but that the City is not approving any <br />specific proposals at this time. The City can <br />not agree to any rezoning proposals without the <br />developer going through the proper channels. <br />That is the reason for changing some of the <br />"language" of the contract. <br />Official Rose indicated that the Planning Com- <br />mission essentially agreed with the contract <br />except for: 1)recommending the elderly high <br />rise be moved farther south, 2)the townhouse <br />development should remain at 4 unites /acre. <br />Attorney Meyers suggested adding to paragraph <br />#3 (page #3) the statement "Payable from available <br />LAWCON funds The developer suggested adding <br />after that statement "If those funds are not <br />available, this agreement shall be null and void." <br />Ziebarth made a motion, seconded by Hodges to <br />approve the agreement as presented and amended <br />this evening by Council. <br />Ayes -5 <br />Nays -0 <br />(Councilmember Rowley arrived at 8:00 P.M.) <br />THE MOTION WAS CARRIED (MOTION CARRIES) <br />Acting Clerk- Administrator Anderson will have <br />the contract draft retyped with the changes and <br />will then route copies to the developer's attorney <br />and the City attorney for their perusal. <br />The regular meeting closed at 8:50 P.M. <br />7. REVIEW OF M E REALTY <br />